Permanent closing of post offices as of 1 July 2023

Map of regions

Post offices permanently closed in Jihočeský kraj Post offices permanently closed in Ústecký kraj Post offices permanently closed in Prague Post offices permanently closed in Středočeský krajPost offices permanently closed in Karlovarský krajPost offices permanently closed in Jihomoravský krajPost offices permanently closed in Královéhradecký kraj Post offices permanently closed in Liberecký krajPost offices permanently closed in Plzeňský kraj Post offices permanently closed in VysočinaPost offices permanently closed in Pardubický krajPost offices permanently closed in Olomoucký kraj Post offices permanently closed in Zlínský kraj Post offices permanently closed in Moravskoslezký kraj

Starting from 1 July 2023, certain post offices will be permanently closed. The following information contains FAQ and a list of closed post offices and the nearest recommended post offices including the post office where your letters and parcels will be deposited in future after a failed delivery attempt.


FAQ - rušení pošt k 1. 7. 2023 - TOP 10


Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023


Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments
Praha 01
Kaprova, 40/12,
Praha - Staré Město, 110 01
Praha 1
Jindřišská 909/14,
Praha - Nové Město, 110 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Praha 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office   Praha 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office  Praha 1

Praha 02
Na Florenci 2116/15,
Praha - Nové Město, 110 00

Praha 1
Jindřišská 909/14,
Praha - Nové Město, 110 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Praha 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office   Praha 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office  Praha 1
Praha 23
Bruselská, 519/18
Praha - Vinohrady, 120 03
Praha 2
Moravská 1530/9,
Praha - Vinohrady, 120 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Praha 2
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Praha 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Praha 2

Praha 24
Italská 384/3,
Praha - Vinohrady, 120 04

Praha 2
Moravská 1530/9,
Praha - Vinohrady, 120 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 2

Praha 31
Chrudimská 2526/2a,
Praha - Vinohrady, 130 00

Praha 3
Olšanská 38/9,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 3

Praha 32
Roháčova 263/23,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00

Praha 3
Olšanská 38/9,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 3

Praha 33
náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad 848/17,
Praha - Vinohrady, 130 00

Praha 2
Moravská 1530/9,
Praha - Vinohrady, 120 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 2

Praha 34
Koněvova 2496/223,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00

Praha 3
Olšanská 38/9,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 3

Praha 35
Kubelíkova 1155/44,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00

Praha 3
Olšanská 38/9,
Praha - Žižkov, 130 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 3

Praha 42
Rabasova 1081/1,
Praha - Krč, 140 00

Praha 4
Na strži 1709/42,
Praha - Krč, 140 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 4

Praha 43
Benkova 340/2,
Praha - Chodov, 149 00

Praha 415
Podjavorinské 1595/1,
Praha - Chodov, 149 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 415
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 415
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 415

Praha 45
U plynárny 757/6,
Praha - Michle, 140 00

Praha 416
Křesomyslova 593/12,
Praha - Nusle, 140 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 416
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 416
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 416

Praha 46
Vyskočilova 1100/2,
Praha - Michle, 140 00

Praha 4
Na strži 1709/42,
Praha - Krč, 140 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 4

Praha 47
Jiskrova 750/5,
Praha - Braník, 147 00

Praha 418
Novodvorská 434/149,
Praha - Lhotka, 142 00 
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 418
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 418
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 418

Praha 49
Podolská 322/21,
Praha - Podolí, 147 00

Praha 4
Na strži 1709/42,
Praha - Krč, 140 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 4

Praha 419
Opatovská 874/25,
Praha - Háje, 149 00

Praha 415
Podjavorinské 1595/1,
Praha - Chodov, 149 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 415
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 415
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 415

Praha 51
Újezd 415/15,
Praha - Malá Strana, 150 00

Praha 5
Preslova 73/12,
Praha - Smíchov, 150 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 5
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 5
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 5

Praha 54
Archeologická 2256/1,
Praha - Stodůlky, 155 00

Praha 515
Hábova 1516/3,
Praha - Stodůlky, 155 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 515
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 515
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 515

Praha 57
U Trezorky, 921/2,
Praha - Jinonice, 150 07

Praha 5*
Preslova 73/12,
Praha - Smíchov, 150 00

Praha 519*
Janského, 2254/45,
Praha - Stodůlky, 155 19

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Praha 5*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Praha 5*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Praha 5*

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Praha 519*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Praha 519*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Praha 519*

*The Post Office  Praha 5 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Prague on the street:  Barvitiova, Bohumila Šimůnka, Bochovská, Brzorádových, Břežánecká, Butovická, Černochova, Česká, Do polí, Hillebrantova, Hlubocká, Holátova, Hoškova, Houdova, Chmelařská, Jenišovská, Jinonická, K Měchurce, K rovinám, Kačírkova, Karlštejnská, Klikatá, Kloudova, Kohoutových, Laténská, Malá Houdova, Markova, Mezi lány, Mezi rolemi, Mikšovského, Mšecká, Na Hutmance, Na pomezí, Na Vidouli, Na výhonku, Nad Rohatci, náměstí Josefa Machka, Novoveská, Nyklíčkova, Ohradská, Otopašská, Peroutkova, Pod skalou, Pod stolovou horou, Pod Vavřincem, Pod Vidoulí, Pod vodovodem, Polívkova, Prokopových, Prokopské údolí, Pučova, Puchmajerova, Radlická, Rohatecká, Řeporyjská, Schwarzenberská, Souběžná I, Souběžná II, Souběžná III, Souběžná IV, Stará Stodůlecká, Stodůlecká, Šternova, Trachtova, U dětského hřiště, U dobráků, U jinonického rybníčka, U kříže, U opatrovny, U panské zahrady, U pastoušky, U Šalamounky, U teplárny, U Trezorky, U Tyršovy školy, U Waltrovky, Urbanova, V ohybu, V Roháčích, V zářezu, Vacínovská, Vavřinecká, Vidoulská, Walterovo náměstí, Za zámečkem, Záluské

*The Post Office  Praha 519 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Prague, on the street:  K jihu, K návrší, K Nové Vsi, K Opatřilce, Křepelčí, Kuní, Liščí, Sojčí, Srnčí, V Nové Vsi, Zaječí

Praha 58
Sluneční náměstí 2567/8,
Praha - Stodůlky, 158 00

Praha 515
Hábova 1516/3,
Praha - Stodůlky, 155 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 515
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 515
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 515

Praha 65
Kladenská 538/18,
Praha - Vokovice, 160 00

Praha 6
Kafkova 102/19,
Praha - Dejvice, 160 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 6
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 6
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 6

Praha 68
Aviatická 1048/12,
Praha - Ruzyně, 161 00

Praha 618
Makovského 1349/2a,
Praha - Řepy, 163 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 618
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 618
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 618

Praha 612
Parléřova 681/8,
Praha - Střešovice, 169 00

Praha 69
Břevnovská 1692/6,
Praha - Břevnov, 169 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Praha 69
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Praha 69
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 69

Praha 614
Vlastina 888/34,
Praha - Ruzyně, 161 00

Praha 618
Makovského 1349/2a,
Praha - Řepy, 163 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 618
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 618
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 618

Praha 617
Vaníčkova 1911/5,
Praha - Břevnov, 169 00

Praha 69
Břevnovská 1692/6,
Praha - Břevnov, 169 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 69
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 69
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 69

Praha 85
U třešňovky 492/1,
Praha - Kobylisy, 182 00

Praha 82
Burešova 1663/6,
Praha - Kobylisy, 182 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 82
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 82
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 82

Praha 86
Karlínské náměstí 145/1,
Praha - Karlín, 186 00

Praha 8
Sokolovská 260/143,
Praha - Libeň, 180 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 8

Praha 87
Karolinská 654/2,
Praha - Karlín, 186 00

Praha 8
Sokolovská 260/143,
Praha - Libeň, 180 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 8

Praha 89
Čimická 780/61,
Praha - Čimice, 181 00

Praha 81
Lodžská 850/6,
Praha - Troja, 181 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 81
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 81
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 81

Praha 91
Horní Hrdlořezská 69/2,
Praha - Hrdlořezy, 190 00

Praha 93
Freyova 945/35,
Praha - Vysočany, 190 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 93
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 93
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 93

Praha 94
Poděbradská 489/116,
Praha - Hloubětín, 198 00

Praha 98
Bratří Venclíků 1139/3,
Praha - Černý Most, 198 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 98
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 98
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 98

Praha 100
Vršovická 1527/68b,
Praha - Vršovice, 100 00

Praha 101
Sportovní 846/22,
Praha - Vršovice, 101 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Praha 101
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office   Praha 101
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office  Praha 101

Praha 102
plukovníka Mráze 1182/24,
Praha - Hostivař, 102 00

Praha 107
Švehlova 1391/32,
Praha - Hostivař, 102 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 107
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 107
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 107

Praha 105
Litevská 1282/1,
Praha - Vršovice, 100 00

Praha 101
Sportovní 846/22,
Praha - Vršovice, 101 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 101
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 101
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 101

Praha 108
Počernická 518/55,
Praha - Malešice, 108 00

Praha 10
Černokostelecká 2020/20,
Praha - Strašnice, 100 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Praha 10
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Praha 10
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Praha 10


Jihočeský kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

České Budějovice 2
Nádražní, 118/6,
České Budějovice 6, 370 02

České Budějovice 1
Senovážné nám. 240/1,
České Budějovice, 370 01

LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office viz seznam níže*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office České Budějovice 1*

*The Post Office  České Budějovice 1 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents on the street:  A. Krejčího, Alešova, Ant. Janouška, Antala Staška, B. Martinů, B. Němcové, Bachmačská, Beránkovo nábř., Biskupská, Boh. Kafky, Bohumila Böhma, Boletická, Borovanská, Boršovská, Brožíkova, Březová, Budovcova, Buková, Čechova, Čelakovského, Česká, Doubravická, Doudlebská, Dr. Stejskala, Drátenická, Dukelská, Dvořákova, E. E. Kische, E. Pittera, Erbenova, F. A. Gerstnera, Fr. Bílka, Fr. Halase, Fügnerova, Generála Svobody, Goethova, Grünwaldova, Havlíčkova, Heydukova, Hlinská, Hlinsko, Hradební, Hrnčířská, Hroznová, Chelčického, J. B. Foerstera, J. Buděšínského, J. Dietricha, J. K. Chmelenského, J. Masaryka, J. R. Schustera, Jalovcová, Jana Hurta, Jana Kollára, Jana Milíče, Janáčkova, Jánošíkova, Jánská, Jar. Hůlky, Jasanová, Jaselská, Jasmínová, Javorová, Jedlová, Jeronýmova, Jirsíkova, Josefa Lady, Jungmannova, K Jezírkům, K Lučinám, K. Kovařovice, K. Lávičky, K. V. Raise, Kališnická, Kamnářská, Kanovnická, Kaplířova, Karla Buriana, Karla IV., Kasárenská, Kaštanová, Ke Studánce, Ke Špačkům, Ke Včelné, Kněžská, Kolářská, Komenského, Kozinova, Kpt. Jaroše, Kpt. Nálepky, Krajinská, Krumlovská, Křižíkova, L. B. Schneidera, L. Kuby, L. M. Pařízka, Lannova tř., Lidická tř., Luční, Lužní, M. Svobodové, M. Vydrové, Máchova, Malebná, Mánesova, Matice školské, Mayerova, Mechová, Mlýnská, Na Bělidle, Na Mlýnské stoce, Na Nábřeží, Na Sadech, Na Výsluní, nábřeží Jindřicha Libraria, Nádražní, nám. Bratří Čapků, nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad, nám. Přemysla Otakara II., nám. Švabinského, Novohradská, Olivová, Osiková, Ovocná, P. J. Šafaříka, Pabláskova, Palmová, Panská, Papírenská, Parková, Pastevní, Piaristická, Piaristické nám., Pivovarská, Plachého, Plánská, Platanová ,Plavská, Polní, Potoční, Preslova, Prokišova, Prokopa Holého, Průmyslová, Příčná, Purkyňova, Radniční, Revoluční, Roháče z Dubé, Roudenská, Rožnovská, Rudolfovská tř., Růžová, Říční, S. K. Neumanna, Sadová, Sedlářská, Senovážné nám., Slunečná, Sokolovská, Sokolský ostrov, St. Čečka, Stradonická, Strádova, Střelecký ostrov, Střížovská, Šeříková, Široká, Šroubárenská, Štítného, Šumavská, Thomayerova, Tichá, Topolová, Tovární, Tylova, U Černé věže, U Dráhy, U Elektrárny, U Malše, U Pily, U Potoka, U Sirkárny, U Skladu, U Smaltovny, U Tří lvů, U Vltavy, U Vodárny, U Zastávky, U Zimního stadionu, V Zahrádkách, V. Nováka, V. Vydry, Velenická, Větrná, Vidovská, Vl. Rady, Vráto, Vrbová, Vrchlického nábř., Vřesová, Za prodejnou, Za Rybníkem, Za Tratí, Zátkovo nábř., Zd. Fibicha, Zeyerova, Zlatnická, Zvonková, Žitná, Žižkova tř.

The Post Office  České Budějovice 4 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents on the street:  B. Smetany, Dr. Tůmy, Fráni Šrámka, Generála Píky, Husova tř., J. Š. Baara, Jeremiášova, Jírovcova, Lipenská, Nová, Okružní, Otakarova, Palackého nám., Riegrova, Skuherského, Slévárenská, tř. 28. října, Za Otýlií

The Post Office  České Budějovice 6 bwill be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents on the street:  Dobrovodská, U Jeslí, Vodní, Vrbenská

České Budějovice 3
Lidická tř. 177/43,
České Budějovice, 370 01

České Budějovice 1
Senovážné nám. 240/1,
České Budějovice, 370 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office České Budějovice 1

České Budějovice 9
U Zimního stadionu 1952/2,
České Budějovice, 370 01

České Budějovice 1
Senovážné nám. 240/1,
České Budějovice, 370 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office České Budějovice 1

České Budějovice 10
Pražská tř. 2064/160,
České Budějovice, 370 10

České Budějovice 4
Pražská tř. 2304/69,
České Budějovice, 370 04
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office České Budějovice 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office České Budějovice 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office České Budějovice 4

České Budějovice 13
České Vrbné 2327,
České Budějovice, 370 11

České Budějovice 11
Fr. Ondříčka 1243/46,
České Budějovice, 370 11
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 11
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office České Budějovice 11
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office České Budějovice 11

Český Krumlov 3
Sídliště Plešivec 250,
Český Krumlov - Plešivec, 381 01

Český Krumlov 1
Latrán 193,
Český Krumlov - Latrán, 381 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Český Krumlov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Český Krumlov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Český Krumlov 1

Český Krumlov 4
Urbinská 180,
Český Krumlov - Domoradice, 381 01

Český Krumlov 1
Latrán 193,
Český Krumlov - Latrán, 381 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Český Krumlov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Český Krumlov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Český Krumlov 1

Jindřichův Hradec 4
sídliště Vajgar 599,
Jindřichův Hradec, 377 01

Jindřichův Hradec 1
Husova 129,
Jindřichův Hradec, 377 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1

Jindřichův Hradec 5
Kosmonautů 47,
Jindřichův Hradec, 377 01

Jindřichův Hradec 1
Husova 129,
Jindřichův Hradec, 377 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1

Jindřichův Hradec 6
Jarošovská 696,
Jindřichův Hradec, 377 01

Jindřichův Hradec 1
Husova 129,
Jindřichův Hradec, 377 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jindřichův Hradec 1

Milevsko 3
nám. E. Beneše 123,
Milevsko, 399 01

Milevsko 1
J. A. Komenského 1190,
Milevsko, 399 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Milevsko 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Milevsko 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Milevsko 1

Písek 5
Truhlářská 2250,
Písek - Budějovické Předměstí, 397 01

Písek 1
Žižkova třída 270/2,
Písek - Budějovické Předměstí, 397 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Písek 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Písek 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Písek 1

Sezimovo Ústí 1
Husovo náměstí 159/7,
Sezimovo Ústí, 391 02

Sezimovo Ústí 2
náměstí Tomáše Bati 664,
Sezimovo Ústí, 391 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Sezimovo Ústí 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Sezimovo Ústí 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Sezimovo Ústí 2

Strakonice 2
U Nádraží 81,
Strakonice, 386 01

Strakonice 1
Podskalská 601,
Strakonice, 386 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Strakonice 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Strakonice 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Strakonice 1

Tábor 1
Žižkovo nám. 10,
Tábor, 390 01

Tábor 2
U Bechyňské dráhy 2926,
Tábor, 390 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Tábor 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Tábor 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Tábor 2

Tábor 4
Chýnovská 632,
Tábor - Měšice, 391 56

Tábor 2
U Bechyňské dráhy 2926,
Tábor, 390 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Tábor 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Tábor 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Tábor 2

Tábor 5
Světlogorská 2769/12,
Tábor, 390 05

Tábor 2
U Bechyňské dráhy 2926,
Tábor, 390 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Tábor 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Tábor 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Tábor 2

Veselí nad Lužnicí 2
Nádražní 147,
Veselí nad Lužnicí, 391 81

Veselí nad Lužnicí 1
Třída Čs. armády 582,
Veselí nad Lužnicí, 391 81
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Veselí nad Lužnicí 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Veselí nad Lužnicí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Veselí nad Lužnicí 1


Jihomoravský kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Adamov 3
Družstevní 421/1,
Adamov, 679 04

Adamov 1
Nádražní 115,
Adamov, 679 04

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Adamov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Adamov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Adamov 1

Blansko 3
Dvorská 1960/32,
Blansko, 678 01

Blansko 1
Hybešova 584/53,
Blansko, 678 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Blansko 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Blansko 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Blansko 1

Brno 3
Křížová 96/18,
Brno - Staré Brno, 603 00

Brno 2
Šumavská 519/35,
Brno-město, 602 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 2

Brno 4
Příkop 843/4,
Brno - Zábrdovice, 602 00

Brno 2
Šumavská 519/35,
Brno-město, 602 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 2

Brno 5
Údolní 554/69,
Brno - Stránice, 602 00

Brno 2
Šumavská 519/35,
Brno-město, 602 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Brno 2
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Brno 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 2

Brno 6
Hrnčířská 573/6,
Brno - Ponava, 602 00

Brno 1
Nádražní 681/2a (OC Letmo), 
Brno-město, 602 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 1

Brno 9
náměstí 28. dubna 1069/2,
Brno - Bystrc, 635 00

Brno 35
Kubíčkova 1115/8,
Brno - Bystrc, 635 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 35
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 35
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 35

Brno 14
Dukelská třída 1658/88,
Brno - Husovice, 614 00

Brno 22
Fryčajova 77/18,
Brno - Obřany, 614 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 22
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 22
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 22

Brno 19
Sokolova 92/20,
Brno - Horní Heršpice, 619 00

Brno 17
Svatopetrská 60/28,
Brno - Komárov, 617 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 17
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 17
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 17

Brno 36
Kamenačky 4018/49, Brno - Židenice, 636 00

Brno 15
Rokycanova 1867/35, Brno - Židenice, 615 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 15
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 15
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 15

Brno 39
Renneská třída 405/27,
Brno - Štýřice, 639 00

Brno 8
Heršpická 875/6a,
Brno - Štýřice, 639 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 8

Brno 44
Zeiberlichova 63/48,
Brno - Soběšice, 644 00

Brno 38
Haškova 153/17,
Brno - Lesná, 638 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 38
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 38
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 38

Brno 45
Ondráčkova 230/14,
Brno - Líšeň, 628 00

Brno 28
Vlkova 2481/4,
Brno - Líšeň, 628 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brno 28
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brno 28
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brno 28

Břeclav 1
U Tržiště 814/2,
Břeclav, 690 02

Břeclav 2
Břetislavova 1945/1,
Břeclav, 690 02
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Břeclav 2
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Břeclav 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Břeclav 2

Břeclav 6
Lednická 21/80,
Břeclav - Charvátská Nová Ves, 690 06

Břeclav 4
Osvobození 270/4,
Břeclav - Poštorná, 691 41
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Břeclav 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Břeclav 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Břeclav 4

Hodonín 3
P. Jilemnického 2789/6,
Hodonín, 695 01

Hodonín 1
Velkomoravská 2270/6,
Hodonín, 695 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hodonín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hodonín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hodonín 1

Hodonín 4
Brandlova 3656/92a,
Hodonín, 695 01

Hodonín 1
Velkomoravská 2270/6,
Hodonín, 695 01

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hodonín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hodonín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hodonín 1

Hodonín 5
Wilsonova 479/3,
Hodonín, 695 01

Hodonín 1
Velkomoravská 2270/6,
Hodonín, 695 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Hodonín 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Hodonín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hodonín 1

Tišnov 3
Brněnská 1688,
Tišnov, 666 03

Tišnov 1
nám. Míru 22,
Tišnov, 666 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Tišnov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Tišnov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Tišnov 1

Vyškov 4
Vyškov - Nosálovice, 682 01

Vyškov 1
Dvořákova 128/23,
Vyškov - Vyškov-Předměstí, 682 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Vyškov 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Vyškov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Vyškov 1

Znojmo 3
Pražská 2561/54a,
Znojmo, 669 02

Znojmo 1
Horní náměstí 256/13,
Znojmo, 669 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Znojmo 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Znojmo 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Znojmo 1

Znojmo 4
Poštovní 82/8,
Znojmo - Přímětice, 669 04

Znojmo 1
Horní náměstí 256/13,
Znojmo, 669 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Znojmo 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Znojmo 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Znojmo 1


Karlovarský kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Aš 2
Hlavní 1002/116,
Aš, 352 01

Aš 1
Poštovní náměstí 911,
Aš, 352 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Aš 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Aš 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Aš 1

Cheb 3
Dragounská 2529/6,
Cheb, 350 02

Cheb 2
Riegerova 1302/60,
Cheb, 350 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Cheb 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Cheb 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Cheb 2

Cheb 4
Přátelství 2006/2,
Cheb, 350 02

Cheb 2
Riegerova 1302/60,
Cheb, 350 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Cheb 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Cheb 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Cheb 2

Cheb 5
Boženy Němcové 2251/59,
Cheb, 350 02

Cheb 1
Šlikova 2423/15,
Cheb, 350 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Cheb 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Cheb 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Cheb 1

Chodov u Karlových Var 2
Staroměstská 848,
Chodov, 357 35

Chodov u Karlových Var 1
Husova 786,
Chodov, 357 35
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Chodov u Karlových Var 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Chodov u Karlových Var 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Chodov u Karlových Var 1

Karlovy Vary 10
Sedlecká 760/3,
Karlovy Vary - Rybáře, 360 10

Karlovy Vary 1
T. G. Masaryka 559/1,
Karlovy Vary, 360 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karlovy Vary 1

Karlovy Vary 20
Lidická 595/64,
Karlovy Vary - Drahovice, 360 01

Karlovy Vary 1
T. G. Masaryka 559/1,
Karlovy Vary, 360 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karlovy Vary 1

Karlovy Vary 4
U Trati 3/11, Karlovy Vary - Bohatice, 360 04

Karlovy Vary 1
T. G. Masaryka 559/1, Karlovy Vary, 360 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karlovy Vary 1

Karlovy Vary 7
Studentská 118/77,
Karlovy Vary - Doubí, 360 07

Karlovy Vary 1
T. G. Masaryka 559/1,
Karlovy Vary, 360 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karlovy Vary 1

Karlovy Vary 9
Vítězná 390/51,
Karlovy Vary - Drahovice, 360 01

Karlovy Vary 1
T. G. Masaryka 559/1,
Karlovy Vary, 360 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Karlovy Vary 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karlovy Vary 1

Mariánské Lázně 2
Tepelská 551/5,
Mariánské Lázně - Úšovice, 353 01

Mariánské Lázně 1
Poštovní 160/17,
Mariánské Lázně, 353 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Mariánské Lázně 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Mariánské Lázně 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Mariánské Lázně 1

Nejdek 2
Okružní 1191,
Nejdek, 362 22

Nejdek 1
Poštovní 972,
Nejdek, 362 21
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Nejdek 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Nejdek 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Nejdek 1

Sokolov 3
Staré náměstí 21,
Sokolov, 356 01

Sokolov 1
Karla Havlíčka Borovského 1420,
Sokolov, 356 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Sokolov 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Sokolov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Sokolov 1

Sokolov 5
Sokolovská 1623,
Sokolov, 356 01

Sokolov 1
Karla Havlíčka Borovského 1420,
Sokolov, 356 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Sokolov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Sokolov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Sokolov 1


Královéhradecký kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Hradec Králové 4
Pardubická 752,
Hradec Králové - Kukleny, 500 04

Hradec Králové 2
Zamenhofova 915/2,
Hradec Králové - Pražské Předměstí, 500 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hradec Králové 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hradec Králové 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hradec Králové 2

Hradec Králové 5
Fráni Šrámka 1518/3,
Hradec Králové - Pražské Předměstí, 500 02

Hradec Králové 2
Zamenhofova 915/2,
Hradec Králové - Pražské Předměstí, 500 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hradec Králové 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hradec Králové 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hradec Králové 2

Hradec Králové 6
Milady Horákové,
Hradec Králové - Třebeš, 500 06

Hradec Králové 12
třída Edvarda Beneše 1423/21,
Hradec Králové - Nový Hradec Králové, 500 12
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hradec Králové 12
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hradec Králové 12
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hradec Králové 12

Hradec Králové 7
K Sokolovně 540,
Hradec Králové - Věkoše, 503 41

Hradec Králové 3
Pospíšilova 215/11a,
Hradec Králové, 500 03
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hradec Králové 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hradec Králové 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hradec Králové 3

Hradec Králové 11
Štefánikova 534/29a,
Hradec Králové - Morav. Předměstí, 500 11

Hradec Králové 12
třída Edvarda Beneše 1423/21,
Hradec Králové - Nový Hradec Králové, 500 12
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hradec Králové 12
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hradec Králové 12
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hradec Králové 12

Hradec Králové 16
Petra Jilemnického 400/50,
Hradec Králové - Plotiště nad Labem, 503 01

Hradec Králové 2
Zamenhofova 915/2,
Hradec Králové - Pražské Předměstí, 500 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hradec Králové 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hradec Králové 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hradec Králové 2

Jaroměř 3
Traxlerova 110,
Jaroměř - Josefov, 551 02

Jaroměř 1
nám. Československé armády 18,
Jaroměř, 551 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jaroměř 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jaroměř 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jaroměř 1

Jaroměř 4
Na Zavadilce 795,
Jaroměř - Pražské Předměstí, 551 01

Jaroměř 1
nám. Československé armády 18,
Jaroměř, 551 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jaroměř 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jaroměř 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jaroměř 1

Jičín 5
Na jihu 553,
Jičín - Nové Město, 506 01

Jičín 1
Šafaříkova 142,
Jičín - Valdické Předměstí, 506 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jičín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jičín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jičín 1

Meziměstí u Broumova 3
č.p. 252,
Meziměstí - Ruprechtice, 549 83

Meziměstí u Broumova 1
5. května 114,
Meziměstí, 549 81
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Meziměstí u Broumova 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Meziměstí u Broumova 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Meziměstí u Broumova 1

Náchod 3
Polská 105,
Náchod - Běloves, 547 01

Náchod 1
Masarykovo náměstí 43,
Náchod, 547 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Náchod 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Náchod 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Náchod 1

Náchod 4
Českoskalická 192,
Náchod - Staré Město nad Metují, 547 01

Náchod 1
Masarykovo náměstí 43, Náchod, 547 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Náchod 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Náchod 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Náchod 1

Trutnov 3
Lípové náměstí 374, Trutnov - Poříčí, 541 03

Trutnov 1
Hradební 11,
Trutnov - Střední Předměstí, 541 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Trutnov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Trutnov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Trutnov 1

Vrchlabí 3
Poštovní 101,
Vrchlabí - Podhůří, 543 03

Vrchlabí 1
Krkonošská 149,
Vrchlabí, 543 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Vrchlabí 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Vrchlabí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Vrchlabí 1
Vrchlabí 6
Nerudova, 1271,
Vrchlabí, 543 06
Vrchlabí 1
Krkonošská 149,
Vrchlabí, 543 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Vrchlabí 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Vrchlabí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Vrchlabí 1


Liberecký kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Česká Lípa 2
Česká 3325,
Česká Lípa, 470 01

Česká Lípa 3
Děčínská 3271,
Česká Lípa, 470 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Česká Lípa 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Česká Lípa 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Česká Lípa 3

Česká Lípa 5
Okružní 2717,
Česká Lípa, 470 01

Česká Lípa 1
náměstí T. G. Masaryka 194/27,
Česká Lípa, 470 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Česká Lípa 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Česká Lípa 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Česká Lípa 1

č.p. 2,
Česká Lípa - Dobranov, 471 21

Česká Lípa 6
28. října 2850,
Česká Lípa, 470 06
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Česká Lípa 6
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Česká Lípa 6
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Česká Lípa 6

Jablonec nad Nisou 2
Vysoká 4263/45,
Jablonec nad Nisou, 466 02

Jablonec nad Nisou 1
Liberecká 32/2,
Jablonec nad Nisou, 466 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jablonec nad Nisou 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jablonec nad Nisou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jablonec nad Nisou 1

Jablonec nad Nisou 8
Rychnovská 14,
Jablonec nad Nisou - Kokonín, 468 01

Jablonec nad Nisou 1
Liberecká 32/2,
Jablonec nad Nisou, 466 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jablonec nad Nisou 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jablonec nad Nisou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jablonec nad Nisou 1

Liberec 7
28. října 206/6,
Liberec - Horní Růžodol, 460 07

Liberec 2
Nákladní 429/6,
Liberec - Jeřáb, 460 07
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Liberec 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Liberec 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Liberec 2

Liberec 10
Vojanova 176/16,
Liberec - Františkov, 460 10

Liberec 2
Nákladní 429/6,
Liberec - Jeřáb, 460 07
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Liberec 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Liberec 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Liberec 2

Liberec 11
Sousedská 600,
Liberec - Růžodol I, 460 01

Liberec 1
nám. Dr. E. Beneše 559/28,
Liberec - Staré Město, 460 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Liberec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Liberec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Liberec 1

Liberec 15
Olbrachtova 618/37,
Liberec - Starý Harcov, 460 15

Liberec 1
nám. Dr. E. Beneše 559/28,
Liberec - Staré Město, 460 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Liberec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Liberec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Liberec 1

Liberec 25
Česká 327,
Liberec - Vesec, 463 12

Liberec 3
České mládeže 456,
Liberec - Doubí, 463 12
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Liberec 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Liberec 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Liberec 3

Liberec 33
Rynoltická 1,
Liberec - Machnín, 460 01

Nádražní 367,
Chrastava, 463 31
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Chrastava
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Chrastava
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Chrastava

Rokytnice nad Jizerou 3
č.p. 307,
Rokytnice nad Jizer. - Hor. Rokytnice, 512 45

Rokytnice nad Jizerou 1
č.p. 360,
Rokytnice nad Jizerou - Dolní Rokytnice, 512 44
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Rokytnice nad Jizerou 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Rokytnice nad Jizerou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Rokytnice nad Jizerou 1
Turnov 2
U Nádraží, 1296,
Turnov, 51102
Turnov 1
náměstí Českého Ráje, 65,
Turnov, 51101
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Turnov 1
od 23. 6. PARCELS at the post office Turnov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Turnov 1


Moravskoslezký kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Bohumín 4
Bezručova 24,
Bohumín - Záblatí, 735 52

Bohumín 1
Ad. Mickiewicze 67,
Bohumín - Nový Bohumín, 735 81
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Bohumín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Bohumín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Bohumín 1

Bohumín 5
Ostravská 84,
Bohumín - Pudlov, 735 51

Bohumín 1
Ad. Mickiewicze 67,
Bohumín - Nový Bohumín, 735 81
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Bohumín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Bohumín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Bohumín 1

Bohumín 6
Nerudova 1156,
Bohumín - Nový Bohumín, 735 81

Bohumín 1
Ad. Mickiewicze 67,
Bohumín - Nový Bohumín, 735 81
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Bohumín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Bohumín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Bohumín 1

Bruntál 3
Zeyerova 1928/1a,
Bruntál, 792 01

Bruntál 1
M. Tyrše 1499/4,
Bruntál, 792 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Bruntál 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Bruntál 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Bruntál 1

Český Těšín 3
Slezská 1730,
Český Těšín, 737 01

Český Těšín 1
Nádražní 1166/2a,
Český Těšín, 737 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Český Těšín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Český Těšín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Český Těšín 1

Český Těšín 6
Ostravská 161,
Český Těšín - Mosty, 735 62

Český Těšín 1
Nádražní 1166/2a,
Český Těšín, 737 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Český Těšín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Český Těšín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Český Těšín 1

Frýdek-Místek 13
Heydukova 3436,
Frýdek-Místek - Frýdek, 738 01

Frýdek-Místek 1
Sadová 2379,
Frýdek-Místek - Frýdek, 738 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Frýdek-Místek 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Frýdek-Místek 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Frýdek-Místek 1

Frýdek-Místek 14
1. máje 155,
Frýdek-Místek - Místek, 738 01

Frýdek-Místek 12
Antonínovo náměstí 92,
Frýdek-Místek - Místek, 738 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Frýdek-Místek 12
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Frýdek-Místek 12
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Frýdek-Místek 12

Havířov 2
Jurije Gagarina 1589/2a,
Havířov - Bludovice, 736 01

Havířov 1
Dlouhá třída 464/7a,
Havířov - Město, 736 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Havířov 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Havířov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Havířov 1

Havířov 3
Anglická, 1198/13a,
Havířov - Šumbark

Havířov 1
Dlouhá třída 464/7a,
Havířov - Město, 736 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Havířov 21
od 23. 6. BALÍKY at the post office Havířov 21
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Havířov 1

Havířov 4
Dělnická 769/64,
Havířov - Prostřední Suchá, 735 64

Havířov 1
Dlouhá třída 464/7a,
Havířov - Město, 736 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Havířov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Havířov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Havířov 1

Havířov 11
Hlavní třída 46/32,
Havířov - Město, 736 01

Havířov 1
Dlouhá třída 464/7a,
Havířov - Město, 736 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Havířov 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Havířov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Havířov 1

Havířov 12
Slovanská 1220/1,
Havířov - Město, 736 01

Havířov 1
Dlouhá třída 464/7a,
Havířov - Město, 736 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Havířov 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Havířov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Havířov 1

Janovice u Rýmařova
Opavská 197/45,
Rýmařov - Janovice, 793 42

náměstí Míru 214/7,
Rýmařov, 795 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Rýmařov
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Rýmařov
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Rýmařov

Karviná 8
Slovenská 2868/33a,
Karviná - Hranice, 733 01

Karviná 4
tř. Těreškovové 2233/28,
Karviná - Mizerov, 734 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Karviná 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Karviná 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karviná 4

Karviná 12
Čsl. armády 2954/2,
Karviná - Hranice, 733 01

Karviná 4
tř. Těreškovové 2233/28,
Karviná - Mizerov, 734 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Karviná 4
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Karviná 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES o at the post office Karviná 4

Karviná 41
Kosmonautů 837/48c,
Karviná - Ráj, 734 01

Karviná 4
tř. Těreškovové 2233/28,
Karviná - Mizerov, 734 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Karviná 4
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Karviná 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karviná 4

Karviná 61
tř. Osvobození 1637/37,
Karviná - Nové Město, 735 06

Karviná 1
Masarykovo nám. 3/2,
Karviná - Fryštát, 733 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Karviná 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Karviná 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Karviná 1

č.p. 24,
Klimkovice - Hýlov, 742 83

Náměstí 31,
Klimkovice, 742 83
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Klimkovice
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Klimkovice
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Klimkovice

Krnov 2
Mikulášská 1141/89,
Krnov - Pod Bezruč. vrchem, 794 01

Krnov 1
nám. Minoritů 88/11, Krnov - Pod Bezruč. vrchem, 794 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Krnov 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Krnov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Krnov 1

Opava 2
Husova 204/19,
Opava - Předměstí, 746 01

Opava 1
U Fortny 49/10,
Opava - Město, 746 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Opava 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office   Opava 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office  Opava 1

Opava 6
Hlavní 1040/120,
Opava - Kylešovice, 747 06

Opava 1
U Fortny 49/10,
Opava - Město, 746 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Opava 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Opava 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Opava 1

Opava 7
Přemyslovců 16/32,
Opava - Jaktař, 747 07

Opava 1
U Fortny 49/10,
Opava - Město, 746 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Opava 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Opava 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Opava 1

Opava 9
Na Spojce 341/7a,
Opava - Komárov, 747 70

Opava 8
Těšínská 2914/44,
Opava - Předměstí, 746 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Opava 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Opava 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Opava 8

Orlová 3
Slezská 147,
Orlová - Poruba, 735 14

Orlová 4
Osvobození 796,
Orlová - Lutyně, 735 14
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Orlová 4
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Orlová 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Orlová 4

Orlová 6
F. S. Tůmy 1200,
Orlová - Lutyně, 735 14

Orlová 4
Osvobození 796,
Orlová - Lutyně, 735 14
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Orlová 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Orlová 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Orlová 4

Ostrava 5
Dr. Martínka 1406/12,
Ostrava - Hrabůvka, 700 30

Ostrava 30
Bohumíra Četyny 1047/12,
Ostrava - Bělský Les, 700 30
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 30
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 30
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 30

Ostrava 10
náměstí Jurije Gagarina 235/2,
Slezská Ostrava, 710 00

Ostrava 1
Poštovní 1368/20,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 1

Ostrava 11
Stará cesta 125/4,
Ostrava - Hrušov, 711 00

Ostrava 2
Wattova 1046/19,
Ostrava - Přívoz, 702 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 2

Ostrava 13
Vrbická 211/127,
Ostrava - Heřmanice, 713 00

Ostrava 2
Wattova 1046/19,
Ostrava - Přívoz, 702 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 2

Ostrava 18
Škrobálkova 61/15,
Ostrava - Kunčičky, 718 00

Ostrava 3
Šalounova 778/18,
Ostrava - Vítkovice, 703 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 3

Ostrava 19
Frýdecká 28/426,
Ostrava - Kunčice, 719 00

Vratimov 1
Frýdecká 853/57,
Vratimov, 739 32
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Vratimov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Vratimov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Vratimov 1

Ostrava 22
5. května 5027/1,
Ostrava - Třebovice, 722 00

Ostrava 8
Čkalovova 713/47,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 8

Ostrava 32
Studentská 1770/1,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00

Ostrava 8
Čkalovova 713/47,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 8
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 8

Ostrava 33
Hlavní třída 678/118,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00

Ostrava 8
Čkalovova 713/47,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 8
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 8

Ostrava 34
náměstí Družby 1215/2,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00

Ostrava 8
Čkalovova 713/47,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 8

Ostrava 35
Klimkovická 55/28,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00

Ostrava 8
Čkalovova 713/47,
Ostrava - Poruba, 708 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 8
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 8

Ostrava 40
Sokolská třída 2380/67,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00

Ostrava 1
Poštovní 1368/20,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 1

Ostrava 41
28. října 2771/117,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00

Ostrava 1
Poštovní 1368/20,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 1
BALÍKY have already started to be deposited at the post office Ostrava 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 1

Ostrava 42
Ahepjukova, 3094/12,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 700 42

Ostrava 1*
Poštovní 1368/20,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00

Ostrava 9*
Poštovní 1368/20,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava, 702 00

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Ostrava 1*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Ostrava 1*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Ostrava 1*

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Ostrava 9*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Ostrava 9*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Ostrava 9*

*The Post Office  Ostrava 1 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Ostrava, on the street:  Ahepjukova, Garážní, Gen. Janouška, Gen. Píky, Hornopolní, Josefa Brabce, Lechowiczova, Mariánskohorská, Novinářská, Oskara Motyky, Sládkova, U Stadiónu, Varenská

*The Post Office  Ostrava 9 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Ostrava, on the street:  Baarova, Gen. Hrušky, Gen. Janka, Jiřího Trnky, Novoveská, Rtm. Gucmana, Šimáčkova, Švermova

Ostrava 43
Výškovická 3075/118b,
Ostrava - Zábřeh, 700 30

Ostrava 47
Výškovická 714/170,
Ostrava - Výškovice, 700 30
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 47
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 47
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 47

Ostrava 44
Výškovická 3085/2,
Ostrava - Zábřeh, 700 30

Ostrava 4
Rodimcevova 2011/26,
Ostrava - Zábřeh, 700 30
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 4

Ostrava 46
Horní 1492/55,
Ostrava - Hrabůvka, 700 30

Ostrava 30
Bohumíra Četyny 1047/12,
Ostrava - Bělský Les, 700 30
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 30
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 30
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 30

Ostrava 48
Rudná 3114/114,
Ostrava - Zábřeh, 700 30

Ostrava 4
Rodimcevova 2011/26,
Ostrava - Zábřeh, 700 30
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ostrava 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ostrava 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ostrava 4

Třinec 5
č.p. 358,
Třinec - Oldřichovice, 739 61

Třinec 1
Poštovní 207,
Třinec - Staré Město, 739 61
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Třinec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Třinec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Třinec 1

Třinec 9
Sosnová 411,
Třinec - Dolní Líštná, 739 61

Třinec 1
Poštovní 207,
Třinec - Staré Město, 739 61
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Třinec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Třinec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Třinec 1

Třinec 11
Průmyslová 1016,
Třinec - Staré Město, 739 61

Třinec 1
Poštovní 207,
Třinec - Staré Město, 739 61
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Třinec 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Třinec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Třinec 1


Olomoucký kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

č.p. 31,
Litovel - Chudobín, 783 21

Vítězná 176/29a,
Litovel, 784 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Litovel
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Litovel
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Litovel

Olomouc 3
Pavlovická 2/38,
Olomouc - Pavlovičky, 779 00

Olomouc 2
Jeremenkova 104/19,
Olomouc - Hodolany, 779 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Olomouc 2
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Olomouc 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Olomouc 2

Olomouc 4
Litovelská 111/1,
Olomouc - Nová Ulice, 779 00

Olomouc 10
Foerstrova 717/21,
Olomouc - Nová Ulice, 779 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Olomouc 10
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Olomouc 10
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Olomouc 10

Olomouc 5
Hněvotínská 1362/1,
Olomouc - Nová Ulice, 779 00

Olomouc 10
Foerstrova 717/21,
Olomouc - Nová Ulice, 779 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Olomouc 10
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Olomouc 10
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Olomouc 10

Olomouc 8
Horní náměstí, 407/27,
Olomouc, 770 08

Olomouc 6*
Polská, 1201/1,
Olomouc, 770 06

Olomouc 9*
Ladova, 346/6,
Olomouc - Hejčín, 779 00

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Olomouc 6*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Olomouc 6*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Olomouc 6*

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Olomouc 9*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Olomouc 9*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Olomouc 9*

*The Post Office  Olomouc 6 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Olomouc, on the street:  Barvířská, Bezručova, Dánská, Dolní náměstí, Horní náměstí, Hrnčířská, Kapucínská, Kollárovo nám., Kozí, Mahlerova, Michalská, Na hradě, nám. Národních hrdinů, Ostružnická, Panská, Purkrabská, Riegrova, Školní, Švédská, Švermova, tř. Spojenců, tř. Svobody, Tylova, U hradeb, Univerzitní, Vančurova, Ztracená, Žerotínovo nám.

*The Post Office  Olomouc 9 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Olomouc, on the street:  28. října, 8. května, Denisova, Erbenova, Franklinova, Hanáckého pluku, Hynaisova, Kačení, Koželužská, Legionářská, Opletalova, Palackého, Pekařská, Pöttingova, Slovenská, Sokolská, Studentská, U Husova sboru, U stadionu, Úzká, Vodární, Zámečnická

Olomouc 17
Náves Svobody 38/41,
Olomouc - Holice, 779 00

Olomouc 2
Jeremenkova 104/19,
Olomouc - Hodolany, 779 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Olomouc 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Olomouc 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Olomouc 2

Olomouc 18
Kyselovská 209/74,
Olomouc - Slavonín, 783 01

Olomouc 12
Janského 469/8,
Olomouc - Povel, 779 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Olomouc 12
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Olomouc 12
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Olomouc 12

Olomouc 19
Raisova 13/8,
Olomouc - Nemilany, 783 01

Olomouc 12
Janského 469/8,
Olomouc - Povel, 779 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Olomouc 12
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Olomouc 12
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Olomouc 12

Prostějov 3
Sladkovského 3162/1,
Prostějov, 796 01

Prostějov 1
Poděbradovo nám. 979/13,
Prostějov, 796 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Prostějov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Prostějov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Prostějov 1

Prostějov 6
Vrahovická 329/83,
Prostějov - Vrahovice, 798 11

Prostějov 2
Janáčkova 3160/4,
Prostějov, 796 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Prostějov 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Prostějov 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Prostějov 2

Prostějov 8
Dolní 3660/6,
Prostějov, 796 01

Prostějov 1
Poděbradovo nám. 979/13,
Prostějov, 796 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Prostějov 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Prostějov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Prostějov 1

Přerov 4
Tyršova 479/1,
Přerov - Předmostí, 751 24

Přerov 1
Husova 2846/2,
Přerov - Město, 750 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Přerov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Přerov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Přerov 1

Přerov 5
Trávník 322/29,
Přerov - Město, 750 02

Přerov 2
Kratochvílova 114/4,
Přerov - Město, 750 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Přerov 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Přerov 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Přerov 2

Šternberk 3
Bojovníků za svobodu 1262/7, Šternberk, 785 01

Šternberk 1
ČSA 118/17,
Šternberk, 785 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited na postě Šternberk 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Šternberk 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Šternberk 1

Šumperk 2
Jesenická 464/4,
Šumperk, 787 01

Šumperk 1
Gen. Svobody 100/13,
Šumperk, 787 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Šumperk 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Šumperk 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Šumperk 1

Šumperk 3
Jesenická 1819/61,
Šumperk, 787 01

Šumperk 1
Gen. Svobody 100/13,
Šumperk, 787 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Šumperk 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Šumperk 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Šumperk 1

Šumperk 4
Temenická 2782/91,
Šumperk, 787 01

Šumperk 1
Gen. Svobody 100/13,
Šumperk, 787 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Šumperk 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Šumperk 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Šumperk 1

č.p. 33,
Litovel - Unčovice, 784 01

Vítězná 176/29a,
Litovel, 784 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Litovel
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Litovel
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Litovel

Uničov 3
č.p. 21,
Uničov - Střelice, 783 91

Uničov 1
Dr. Beneše 79,
Uničov, 783 91
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Uničov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Uničov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Uničov 1


Pardubicky kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Česká Třebová 3
Ústecká 205,
Česká Třebová - Parník, 560 02

Česká Třebová 2
náměstí Jana Pernera 584,
Česká Třebová, 560 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Česká Třebová 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Česká Třebová 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Česká Třebová 2

Hlinsko v Čechách 3
č.p. 24,
Hlinsko - Chlum, 539 62

Hlinsko v Čechách 1
Adámkova třída 1094,
Hlinsko, 539 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Hlinsko v Čechách 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Hlinsko v Čechách 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Hlinsko v Čechách 1

Chrudim 3
U Stadionu 810,
Chrudim, 537 03

Chrudim 1
Resselovo náměstí 109,
Chrudim, 537 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Chrudim 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Chrudim 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Chrudim 1

Chrudim 5
Topolská 1204,
Chrudim, 537 05

Chrudim 1
Resselovo náměstí 109,
Chrudim, 537 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Chrudim 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Chrudim 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Chrudim 1

č.p. 69,
Chrudim - Medlešice, 538 31

Chrudim 1
Resselovo náměstí 109,
Chrudim, 537 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Chrudim 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Chrudim 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Chrudim 1

Pardubice 2
Palackého třída 1233,
Pardubice - Zelené Předměstí, 530 02

Pardubice 1
Na Hrádku 105,
Pardubice - Zelené Předměstí, 530 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Pardubice 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Pardubice 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Pardubice 1

Pardubice 4
náměstí Dukelských hrdinů 2233,
Pardubice - Zelené Předměstí, 530 02

Parudbice 5
Jana Palacha 1552,
Pardubice - Zelené Předměstí, 530 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Parudbice 5
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Parudbice 5
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Parudbice 5

Pardubice 7
Komenského 56,
Pardubice - Pardubičky, 530 03

Pardubice 3
Na Drážce 1585,
Pardubice - Bílé Předměstí, 530 03
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Pardubice 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Pardubice 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Pardubice 3

Pardubice 12
Jana Zajíce 983,
Pardubice - Studánka, 530 12

Pardubice 3
Na Drážce 1585,
Pardubice - Bílé Předměstí, 530 03
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Pardubice 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Pardubice 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Pardubice 3

Pardubice 17
generála Svobody 77,
Pardubice - Rosice, 533 51

Pardubice 9
Jiřího Tomana 275,
Pardubice - Polabiny, 530 09
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Pardubice 9
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Pardubice 9
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Pardubice 9

Pardubice 23
č.p. 25,
Pardubice - Dražkovice, 533 33

Pardubice 5
Jana Palacha 1552,
Pardubice - Zelené Předměstí, 530 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Pardubice 5
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Pardubice 5
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Pardubice 5

Svitavy 1
Tyrše a Fügnera 649/15,
Svitavy - Předměstí, 568 02

Svitavy 2
Větrná 662/2,
Svitavy - Lány, 568 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Svitavy 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Svitavy 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Svitavy 2

Svitavy 4
Bratří Čapků 351/1a,
Svitavy - Lačnov, 568 02

Svitavy 2
Větrná 662/2,
Svitavy - Lány, 568 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Svitavy 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Svitavy 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Svitavy 2

Ústí nad Orlicí 3
Třebovská 140,
Ústí nad Orlicí - Hylváty, 562 03

Ústí nad Orlicí 1
T. G. Masaryka 897,
Ústí nad Orlicí, 562 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1

Ústí nad Orlicí 4
Sokolská 138,
Ústí nad Orlicí - Kerhartice, 562 04

Ústí nad Orlicí 1
T. G. Masaryka 897,
Ústí nad Orlicí, 562 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1

Ústí nad Orlicí 6
Polská 1308,
Ústí nad Orlicí, 562 06

Ústí nad Orlicí 1
T. G. Masaryka 897,
Ústí nad Orlicí, 562 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ústí nad Orlicí 1


Plzeňský kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Břasy 3
č.p. 165,
Břasy, 338 24

Břasy 1
č.p. 18,
Břasy - Stupno, 338 24
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Břasy 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Břasy 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Břasy 1

Domažlice 3
Mánesova 569,
Domažlice - Týnské Předměstí, 344 01

Domažlice 1
Msgre. B. Staška 71,
Domažlice - Hořejší Předměstí, 344 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Domažlice 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Domažlice 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Domažlice 1
Klatovy 2
Maxima Gorkého, 655,
Klatovy - Klatovy II, 339 02
Klatovy 1
Nádražní , 89,
Klatovy - Klatovy III
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Klatovy 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  na depu Depo Klatovy 70
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Klatovy 1
Klatovy 3
Luby, 83
Klatovy - Luby, 339 03
Klatovy 1
Nádražní , 89,
Klatovy - Klatovy III
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Klatovy 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  na depu Depo Klatovy 70
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Klatovy 1
Klatovy 4
Pod Hůrkou, 606,
Klatovy - Klatovy III, 339 04
Klatovy 1
Nádražní , 89,
Klatovy - Klatovy III
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Klatovy 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  na depu Depo Klatovy 70
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Klatovy 1

Plzeň 4
Škroupova 1900/5,
Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí, 301 00

Plzeň 1
Solní 260/20,
Plzeň - Vnitřní Město, 301 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 1

Plzeň 5
Doudlevecká 277/13,
Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí, 301 00

Plzeň 20
Klatovská třída 2524/127,
Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí, 301 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 20
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 20
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 20

Plzeň 7
Francouzská třída 2251/63,
Plzeň - Východní Předměstí, 326 00

Plzeň 8
Habrmannova 2260/33,
Plzeň - Východní Předměstí, 326 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 8

Plzeň 10
Brněnská 967/24,
Plzeň - Severní Předměstí, 323 00

Plzeň 23
alej Svobody 1274/21,
Plzeň - Severní Předměstí, 323 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 23
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 23
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 23

Plzeň 11
Kaznějovská 1758/43,
Plzeň - Bolevec, 323 00

Plzeň 23
alej Svobody 1274/21,
Plzeň - Severní Předměstí, 323 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 23
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 23
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 23

Plzeň 13
V Bezovce 1979/2,
Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí, 301 00

Plzeň 20
Klatovská třída 2524/127,
Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí, 301 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 20
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 20
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 20

Plzeň 17
Nepomucká 190/37,
Plzeň - Hradiště, 326 00

Plzeň 9
Písecká 972/1,
Plzeň - Černice, 326 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 9
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 9
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 9

Plzeň 19
Habrmannovo náměstí 905/20,
Plzeň - Doubravka, 312 00

Plzeň 12
Masarykova 912/93,
Plzeň - Lobzy, 312 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 12
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 12
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 12

Plzeň 22
Průkopníků 465/2a,
Plzeň - Křimice, 322 00

Plzeň 18
Macháčkova 926/22,
Plzeň - Skvrňany, 318 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 18
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 18
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 18

Plzeň 24
č.p. 385,
Chotíkov, 330 17

Plzeň 23
alej Svobody 1274/21,
Plzeň - Severní Předměstí, 323 00
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 23
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Plzeň 23
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 23

Plzeň 26
Skladová 2483/4a,
Plzeň - Východní Předměstí, 326 00

Plzeň 8
Habrmannova 2260/33,
Plzeň - Východní Předměstí, 326 00
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Plzeň 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Plzeň 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Plzeň 8

Plzeň 27
Železniční, 116/1,
Plzeň - Východní Předměstí, 326 00

Plzeň 1*
Solní, 260/20,
Plzeň - Vnitřní město, 301 00

Plzeň 8*
Habrmannova 2260/33,
Plzeň - Východní Předměstí, 326 00

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Plzeň 1*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Plzeň 1*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Plzeň 1*

Starting from 14 June, LETTERS  at the post office Plzeň 8*
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Plzeň 8*
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Plzeň 8*

*The Post Office  Plzeň 1 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Plzen, on the street:  28. října, A. Loose, Americká, Anglické nábřeží, Bedřicha Smetany, Bělohorská, Bendova, Bezručova, Bolevecká, Budilova, Cvokařská, Dělnická, Denisovo nábřeží, Divadelní, Dominikánská, Doubravecká, Dřevěná, Duchcovská, Dvorní, Emila Škody, Františkánská, Fügnerova, Goethova, Hálkova, Havlíčkova, Husova, Husovo náměstí, Chrástecká, Jagellonská, Jateční, Jungmannova, K Nivě, K Pecihrádku, K Ráji, K Sokolovně, K Stráži, K Zahradnictví, Kalikova, Kamenická, Kamenná, Kardinála Berana, Karlova, Karlovarská, Ke Slonům, Keřová, Klatovská třída, Kleisslova, Klicperova, Kollárova, Kopeckého sady, Koperníkova, Korandova, Kotkova, Kovářská, Koželužská, Krátká, Křižíkovy sady, Křížkova, Lidická, Lindauerova, Lipová, Lochotínská, Luční, Malá, Malická, Martinská, Na Jíkalce, Na Louce, Na Pláni, Na Pomezí, Na Poříčí, Na Roudné, Na Sklárně, Nad Beranovkou, Nad Berounkou, Nad Feronou, Nad Moštárnou, Nad Priorem, Nad Řekou, Nad Štolou, Nad Vodou, Nádražní, náměstí Emila Škody, náměstí Republiky, náměstí T. G. Masaryka, Nárožní, Nerudova, Ostruhová, Otýlie Beníškové, Palackého, Palackého náměstí, Pallova, Pařížská, Pecihrádek, Perlová, Petákova, Pittnerova, Plachého, Plánská, Pobřežní, Pod Kostelem, Pod Vinicemi, Pod Všemi svatými, Pod Záhorskem, Poděbradova, Podmostní, Pramenní, Pražská, Prešovská, Prokopova, Přemyslova, Purkyňova, Puškinova, Radčická, Resslova, Riegrova, Rokycanská, Rooseveltova, Rybářská, Řepová, sady 5. května, sady Pětatřicátníků, Sedláčkova, Senecká, Skrétova, Skvrňanská, Smetanovy sady, Solní, Šafaříkovy sady, Škroupova, Štruncovy sady, Šumavská, Švihovská, Tovární, Travnatá, Truhlářská, Tylova, U Planetária, U Prazdroje, U Sv. Rocha, U Tržiště, U Velkého rybníka, U Zvonu, Uhelná, Ukrajinská, Úzká, V Lužánkách, V Radčicích, V Šipce, Vančurova, Veleslavínova, Veverkova, Vocelova, Wenzigova, Z Kopce, Zbrojnická, Zelinářská, Zručská cesta, Žatecká 

*The Post Office  Plzeň 8 will be used to deposit consignments addressed to residents in Plzen, on the street:  Barrandova, Božkovská, Guldenerova, Houškova, Jablonského, Koterovská, Lobezská, Mikulášská, Mikulášské náměstí, Radyňská, Rejskova, Rubešova, Sladkovského, U Ježíška, Úslavská, Železniční

Rokycany 3
Boženy Němcové 960,
Rokycany - Nové Město, 337 01

Rokycany 1
Jiráskova 247,
Rokycany - Nové Město, 337 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Rokycany 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Rokycany 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Rokycany 1

Sušice 3
Pravdova 1274,
Sušice, 342 01

Sušice 1
Havlíčkova 16,
Sušice, 342 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Sušice 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Sušice 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Sušice 1

Tachov 3
Bělojarská 1603,
Tachov, 347 01

Tachov 1
Hornická 1596,
Tachov, 347 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Tachov 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Tachov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Tachov 1

Tachov 4
Jana Ziky 1739,
Tachov, 347 01

Tachov 1
Hornická 1596,
Tachov, 347 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Tachov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Tachov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Tachov 1


Středočeský kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Benátky nad Jizerou 2
5. května 667,
Benátky nad Jizerou, 294 71

Benátky nad Jizerou 1
Husovo náměstí 41/34,
Benátky nad Jizerou, 294 71
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Benátky nad Jizerou 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Benátky nad Jizerou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Benátky nad Jizerou 1

Beroun 4
Švermova 1649,
Beroun - Beroun-Město, 266 01

Beroun 1
Kostelní 121/27,
Beroun - Beroun-Město, 266 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Beroun 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Beroun 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Beroun 1

Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav 2
Boleslavská 1391,
Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, 250 01

Brandýs nad Labem – Stará Boleslav 1
Riegrova 630/2,
Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, 250 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Brandýs – St. Boleslav 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Brandýs – St. Boleslav 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Brandýs – St. Boleslav 1

Kladno 3
Vrapická 474,
Kladno - Dubí, 272 03

Kladno 7
28. října 563,
Kladno - Švermov, 273 09
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kladno 7
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kladno 7
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kladno 7

Kladno 5
náměstí Svobody 1518,
Kladno, 272 01

Kladno 1
Poštovní náměstí 2357,
Kladno, 272 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kladno 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kladno 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kladno 1

Kladno 6
Vrchlického 2028,
Kladno - Kročehlavy, 272 01

Kladno 8
Jerevanská 2671,
Kladno - Kročehlavy, 272 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kladno 8
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kladno 8
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kladno 8

Kladno 9
Cyrila Boudy 1444,
Kladno - Kročehlavy, 272 01

Kladno 1
Poštovní náměstí 2357,
Kladno, 272 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kladno 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kladno 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kladno 1

Kolín 3
Mlýnská 1199,
Kolín, 280 02

Kolín 1
náměstí Republiky 241,
Kolín, 280 02
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kolín 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kolín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kolín 1

Kralupy nad Vltavou 3
nám. J. Seiferta 698,
Kralupy nad Vltavou - Lobeček, 278 01

Kralupy nad Vltavou 1
Nerudova 880/9,
Kralupy nad Vltavou, 278 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kralupy nad Vltavou 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kralupy nad Vltavou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kralupy nad Vltavou 1

Kutná Hora 3
Zámecká 167,
Kutná Hora - Sedlec, 284 03

Kutná Hora 1
Masarykova 148,
Kutná Hora - Hlouška, 284 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kutná Hora 1

Kutná Hora 4
U Radnice 1,
Kutná Hora - Kaňk, 284 04

Kutná Hora 1
Masarykova 148,
Kutná Hora - Hlouška, 284 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Kutná Hora 6
Husova, 149/8,
Kutná Hora - Vnitřní Město, 284 06
Kutná Hora 1
Masarykova 148,
Kutná Hora - Hlouška, 284 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS  at the post office Kutná Hora 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES  at the post office Kutná Hora 1

Mělník 3
Českolipská 1112/21,
Mělník, 276 01

Mělník 1
Tyršova 100/12,
Mělník, 276 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Mělník 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Mělník 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Mělník 1

Mělník 4
Nemocniční 2629,
Mělník, 276 01

Mělník 1
Tyršova 100/12,
Mělník, 276 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Mělník 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Mělník 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Mělník 1

Mladá Boleslav 2
Havlíčkova 1307,
Mladá Boleslav, 293 01

Mladá Boleslav 3
tř. Václava Klementa 822,
Mladá Boleslav, 293 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Mladá Boleslav 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Mladá Boleslav 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Mladá Boleslav 3

Mladá Boleslav 5
náměstí Republiky 1160,
Mladá Boleslav, 293 01

Mladá Boleslav 1
Komenského náměstí 95/4,
Mladá Boleslav, 293 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Mladá Boleslav 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Mladá Boleslav 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Mladá Boleslav 1

Nymburk 2
Petra Bezruče 362/3,
Nymburk, 288 02

Nymburk 1
Náměstí Přemyslovců 127/5,
Nymburk, 288 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Nymburk 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Nymburk 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Nymburk 1

Nymburk 3
Mládežnická 2086,
Nymburk, 288 02

Nymburk 1
Náměstí Přemyslovců 127/5,
Nymburk, 288 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Nymburk 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Nymburk 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Nymburk 1

Poděbrady 2
Budovcova 1326/39,
Poděbrady, 290 01

Poděbrady 1
Jiráskova 740/6,
Poděbrady, 290 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Poděbrady 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Poděbrady 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Poděbrady 1

Příbram 4
Poštovní 28,
Příbram -Zdaboř, 261 01

Příbram 2
třída Osvobození 305,
Příbram, 261 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Příbram 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Příbram 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Příbram 2

Příbram 5
Budovatelů 137,
Příbram, 261 01

Příbram 2
třída Osvobození 305,
Příbram, 261 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Příbram 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Příbram 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Příbram 2

Rakovník 2
Nádraží 188,
Rakovník, 269 01

Rakovník 1
Husovo náměstí 21,
Rakovník, 269 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Rakovník 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Rakovník 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Rakovník 1

Slaný 3
Na Dolíkách 508,
Slaný, 274 01

Slaný 1
Masarykovo náměstí 1004/18,
Slaný, 274 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Slaný 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Slaný 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Slaný 1

Zruč nad Sázavou 3
1. máje 9,
Zruč nad Sázavou, 285 22

Zruč nad Sázavou 1
Tomáše Bati 1012,
Zruč nad Sázavou, 285 22
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Zruč nad Sázavou 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Zruč nad Sázavou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Zruč nad Sázavou 1


Ústecký kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Bílina 4
Sídliště Za Chlumem 820,
Bílina - Teplické Předměstí, 418 01

Bílina 1
Mírové náměstí 72/5,
Bílina, 418 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Bílina 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Bílina 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Bílina 1

Děčín 3
Želenická 1543/24,
Děčín - Letná, 405 02

Děčín 2
Podmokelská 148/1,
Děčín - Podmokly, 405 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Děčín 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Děčín 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Děčín 2

Děčín 5
Lesní cesta 291,
Děčín - Bynov, 405 05

Děčín 2
Podmokelská 148/1,
Děčín - Podmokly, 405 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Děčín 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Děčín 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Děčín 2

Děčín 6
Vilsnická 46,
Děčín - Vilsnice, 405 02

Děčín 2
Podmokelská 148/1,
Děčín IV-Podmokly, 405 02
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Děčín 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Děčín 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Děčín 2

č.p. 55,
Štětí - Chcebuz, 411 73

Obchodní 538,
Štětí, 411 08
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Štětí
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Štětí
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Štětí

Chomutov 4
Kundratická 4666,
Chomutov, 430 04

Chomutov 2
Farského 4732,
Chomutov, 430 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Chomutov 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Chomutov 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Chomutov 2

Jirkov 2
Ervěnická 1067,
Jirkov, 431 11

Jirkov 1
nám. Dr. E. Beneše 3,
Jirkov, 431 11
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Jirkov 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Jirkov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jirkov 1

Jirkov 3
Studentská 1422,
Jirkov, 431 11

Jirkov 1
nám. Dr. E. Beneše 3,
Jirkov, 431 11
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jirkov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jirkov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jirkov 1

Kadaň 2
kpt. Jaroše 58,
Kadaň, 432 01

Kadaň 1
Poštovní 1553,
Kadaň, 432 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kadaň 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Kadaň 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kadaň 1

Klášterec nad Ohří 2
Zahradní 10,
Klášterec nad Ohří, 431 51

Klášterec nad Ohří 1
Petlérská 449, Klášterec nad Ohří - Miřetice u
Klášterce nad Ohří, 431 51
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Klášterec nad Ohří 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Klášterec nad Ohří 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Klášterec nad Ohří 1

Krupka 3
Poštovní 452/1,
Krupka, 417 41

Krupka 1
Karla Čapka 294,
Krupka - Maršov, 417 42
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Krupka 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Krupka 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Krupka 1

Litvínov 3
Chudeřínská 159,
Litvínov - Chudeřín, 436 03

Litvínov 1
náměstí Míru 13,
Litvínov - Horní Litvínov, 436 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Litvínov 1

Litvínov 4
Valdštejnská 2100,
Litvínov - Horní Litvínov, 436 01

Litvínov 1
náměstí Míru 13,
Litvínov - Horní Litvínov, 436 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Litvínov 1

Litvínov 6
Podkrušnohorská 1041,
Litvínov - Horní Litvínov, 436 01

Litvínov 1
náměstí Míru 13,
Litvínov - Horní Litvínov, 436 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Litvínov 1

Litvínov 7
č.p. 1,
Litvínov - Záluží, 436 01

Litvínov 1
náměstí Míru 13,
Litvínov - Horní Litvínov, 436 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Litvínov 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Litvínov 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Litvínov 1

Louny 3
17. listopadu 2072,
Louny, 440 01

Louny 1
Štefánikova 1465,
Louny, 440 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Louny 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Louny 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Louny 1

Louny 4
Husova 2513,
Louny, 440 01

Louny 1
Štefánikova 1465,
Louny, 440 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Louny 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Louny 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Louny 1

Modrá u Děčína
č.p. 59,
Jílové - Modrá, 407 02

Jílové u Děčína
Mírové nám. 295,
Jílové, 407 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jílové u Děčína
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jílové u Děčína
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jílové u Děčína

Most 3
Slovenského národního povstání 2744/14,
Most, 434 01

Most 1
Moskevská 5,
Most, 434 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Most 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Most 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Most 1

Most 5
J. E. Purkyně 270/5,
Most, 434 01

Most 1
Moskevská 5,
Most, 434 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Most 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Most 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Most 1

Most 10
Velebudická 3270,
Most, 434 01

Most 11
Lipová 805/8,
Most, 434 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Most 11
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Most 11
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Most 11

Teplice 4
Antonína Sochora 2050,
Teplice - Trnovany, 415 01

Teplice 10
Jana Koziny 1628/31,
Teplice - Trnovany, 415 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Teplice 10
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Teplice 10
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Teplice 10

Ústí nad Labem 8
Na Popluží 821/11,
Ústí nad Labem - Klíše, 400 01

Ústí nad Labem 1
Masarykova 3120/34, Ústí nad Labem - Ústí nad Labem-centrum, 400 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ústí nad Labem 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Ústí nad Labem 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ústí nad Labem 1

Ústí nad Labem 17
Sebuzínská 115, Ústí nad Labem - Brná, 403 21

Ústí nad Labem 3
Žukovova 546/15,
Ústí nad Labem - Střekov, 400 03
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ústí nad Labem 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ústí nad Labem 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ústí nad Labem 3

Ústí nad Labem 20
Vítězná 96,
Ústí nad Labem - Svádov, 403 22

Ústí nad Labem 3
Žukovova 546/15,
Ústí nad Labem - Střekov, 400 03
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Ústí nad Labem 3
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Ústí nad Labem 3
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Ústí nad Labem 3

Varnsdorf 3
č.p. 347,
Varnsdorf - Studánka, 407 52

Varnsdorf 1
T. G. Masaryka 1587,
Varnsdorf, 407 47
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Varnsdorf 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Varnsdorf 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Varnsdorf 1

Žatec 3
Havlíčkovo náměstí 2127,
Žatec, 438 01

Žatec 1
Volyňských Čechů 3098,
Žatec, 438 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Žatec 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Žatec 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Žatec 1



Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Havlíčkův Brod 1
Nádražní 107,
Havlíčkův Brod, 580 01

Havlíčkův Brod 2
Svatovojtěšská 58,
Havlíčkův Brod, 580 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Havlíčkův Brod 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Havlíčkův Brod 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Havlíčkův Brod 2

Havlíčkův Brod 3
Pražská 2994,
Havlíčkův Brod, 580 01

Havlíčkův Brod 2
Svatovojtěšská 58,
Havlíčkův Brod, 580 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Havlíčkův Brod 2
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Havlíčkův Brod 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Havlíčkův Brod 2

Jihlava 3
Hálkova 2919/1,
Jihlava - Helenín, 586 01

Jihlava 6
Březinova 4690/144,
Jihlava, 586 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jihlava 6
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jihlava 6
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jihlava 6

Jihlava 5
S. K. Neumanna 496/15,
Jihlava - Horní Kosov, 586 01

Jihlava 4
Erbenova 2598/33,
Jihlava, 586 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Jihlava 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Jihlava 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Jihlava 4

Moravské Budějovice 1
nám. ČSA 59,
Moravské Budějovice, 676 02

Moravské Budějovice 2
1. máje 322,
Moravské Budějovice, 676 02
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Moraské Budějovice 2
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Moraské Budějovice 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Moraské Budějovice 2

Třebíč 2
Okružní 961/1,
Třebíč - Borovina, 674 01

Třebíč 1
Smila Osovského 2/1,
Třebíč - Jejkov, 674 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Třebíč 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Třebíč 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Třebíč 1

Třebíč 3
Demlova 977/9,
Třebíč - Horka-Domky, 674 01

Třebíč 1
Smila Osovského 2/1,
Třebíč - Jejkov, 674 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Třebíč 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Třebíč 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Třebíč 1

Žďár nad Sázavou 2
Sychrova 75/1,
Žďár nad Sázavou, 591 02

Žďár nad Sázavou 1
Nádražní 494/23,
Žďár nad Sázavou, 591 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Žďár nad Sázavou 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Žďár nad Sázavou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Žďár nad Sázavou 1

Žďár nad Sázavou 3
Brodská 1834/12,
Žďár nad Sázavou, 591 01

Žďár nad Sázavou 1
Nádražní 494/23,
Žďár nad Sázavou, 591 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Žďár nad Sázavou 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Žďár nad Sázavou 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Žďár nad Sázavou 1


Zlínský kraj

Post offices permanently closed from 1 July 2023 Postal services will be available at the replacement post office Deposited consignments

Kroměříž 3
Velehradská 4248/24a,
Kroměříž, 767 01

Kroměříž 2
Náměstí Míru 520/1,
Kroměříž, 767 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kroměříž 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kroměříž 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kroměříž 2

Kroměříž 4
Havlíčkova 504/9,
Kroměříž, 767 01

Kroměříž 2
Náměstí Míru 520/1,
Kroměříž, 767 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Kroměříž 2
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Kroměříž 2
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Kroměříž 2

Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 3
1. máje 2609,
Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 756 61

Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 1
Náměstí Míru 1268,
Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 756 61
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 1

Uherský Brod 2
nám. 1. máje 1571,
Uherský Brod, 688 01

Uherský Brod 1
Bří Lužů 107,
Uherský Brod, 688 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Uherský Brod 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Uherský Brod 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Uherský Brod 1

Uherský Brod 3
Poštovní 47,
Uherský Brod - Újezdec, 687 34

Uherský Brod 1
Bří Lužů 107,
Uherský Brod, 688 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Uherský Brod 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Uherský Brod 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Uherský Brod 1

Uherské Hradiště 5
Františka Kretze 1375,
Uherské Hradiště - Mařatice, 686 05

Uherské Hradiště 1
Masarykovo náměstí 12,
Uherské Hradiště, 686 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Uherské Hradiště 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Uherské Hradiště 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Uherské Hradiště 1

Uherské Hradiště 6
Štěpnická 1156,
Uherské Hradiště, 686 06

Uherské Hradiště 1
Masarykovo náměstí 12,
Uherské Hradiště, 686 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Uherské Hradiště 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Uherské Hradiště 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Uherské Hradiště 1

Valašské Meziříčí 4
J. K. Tyla 418,
Valašské Meziříčí, 757 0

Valašské Meziříčí 1
Poláškova 122/10,
Valašské Meziříčí, 757 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1

Valašské Meziříčí 5
Masarykova 753,
Valašské Meziříčí - Krásno nad Bečvou, 757 01

Valašské Meziříčí 1
Poláškova 122/10,
Valašské Meziříčí, 757 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1

Valašské Meziříčí 6
Zašovská 784,
Valašské Meziříčí - Krásno nad Bečvou, 757 01

Valašské Meziříčí 1
Poláškova 122/10,
Valašské Meziříčí, 757 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Valašské Meziříčí 1

Vsetín 5
Jasenická 1522,
Vsetín, 755 01

Vsetín 4
Ohrada 1851,
Vsetín, 755 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Vsetín 4
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Vsetín 4
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Vsetín 4

Vsetín 6
Rokytnice 413,
Vsetín - Rokytnice, 755 01

Vsetín 1
Mostecká 1144,
Vsetín, 755 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Vsetín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Vsetín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Vsetín 1

Vsetín 7
Sychrov 53,
Vsetín, 755 01

Vsetín 1
Mostecká 1144,
Vsetín, 755 01
Starting from 14 June, LETTERS at the post office Vsetín 1
Starting from 23 June, PARCELS at the post office Vsetín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Vsetín 1

Zlín 3
L. Váchy 517,
Zlín - Prštné, 760 01

Zlín 1
J. A. Bati 5648,
Zlín, 760 01
LETTERS have already started to be deposited at the post office Zlín 1
PARCELS have already started to be deposited at the post office Zlín 1
Starting from 3 July, OTHER SERVICES at the post office Zlín 1
