Claims and complaints

We transport hundreds of millions of consignments every year. Our services are available all over the country at the best quality possible. However, a mistake can happen. Please, find the procedure for lodging a claim, complaint, or asking a question below.

ikona OK    Complaints are accepted online or in
   personal at every post office
ikona OK    Complaints can be filed either by the sender
   or by the recipient but the parameters differ
ikona OK    Claims and complaints motivate us to improve
   the quality of our services



More information

Recipient of the consignment

What can be claimed


ikona OK 

Damage or part loss of the content of the consignment

ikona OK 

Damage of an Oversize Parcel or Parcel Delivery To Hand over 30 kg consignment

ikona OK

Customs clearance of international consignments

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Non-compliance with the addressee’s instructions – Redirection, Pickup, Change of Depositing Post Office

ikona OK

Non-delivery of a Printed Matter consignment (prepaid periodicals)

ikona OK Non-delivery of a leaflet to be inserted into a letter box

TIP: You may not wish to commence a claim. Instead, you may use the Question or Complaint options.

How to file a claim

Damage or part loss of the content of a delivered consignment

  • If you find out after delivery that the consignment has been damaged or a part of the content is missing, you may file a claim at any post office.
  • In case of a domestic consignment, the claim must be filed at the latest two working days after delivery. The period may be shorter in case of certain types of international consignments.
  • The consignment must be presented as delivered, i.e. inclusive of its outer and inner packages. You may also use other credible evidence (such as photographs clearly designating the consignment, showing the damaged packaging or a part of it, how the content was secured in the consignment, where the damage part of the content of the consignment was located, what the inner packaging looks like, especially in the place where the damaged content was located) to prove the “as delivered” condition.
  • We may also ask you to leave the consignment at the post office for a necessary period of time to be able to assess and ascertain all necessary facts to handle the claim properly.

Customs clearance of international consignments

A claim or complaint may also be filed after the customs clearance of the consignment. You can use the PDF form (pdf, 251kB) too file such a claim or complaint concerning:

  • The amount of the assessed customs duty or VAT;
  • The fees charged by Czech Post;
  • A delay in the processing of the consignment;
  • Unauthorised proceedings by Czech Post;
  • Double taxation (VAT paid at the time of purchase);
  • Incorrectly assessed amount of customs duty for an order divided into several consignment.

Complete the form (pdf, 251kB) and send it to the email address: You can attach other relevant documents or photographs.

Make sure to complete the form correctly and fully so that the claim or complaint can be handled without any problems. Claims or complaints without full and correct information are difficult to process.

Damage of an Oversize Parcel or Parcel Delivery To Hand over 30 kg consignment

Non-compliance with the addressee’s instructions – Redirection, Pickup, Change of Depositing Post Office

In case of our non-compliance with your instructions, please, visit a post office with the original or copy of the instructions.

Non-delivery of a Printed Matter consignment (prepaid periodicals)

In case of non-delivery, damage, or part loss of a prepaid periodical, please, contact the publisher of the periodical to file a complaint via the publisher’s website, call centre, or by email as instructed in the colophon (publisher’s technical details) printed in the periodical.

Non-delivery of a leaflet to be inserted into a letter box

If the delivery of a leaflet is discontinued, please, contact the company that uses the leaflet to promote its services and that has ordered the leaflet distribution service with us.


TIP: You can find detailed information in the Postal Terms and Conditions – Basic Postal Services and in the Postal and Business Terms and Conditions – Other Postal Services.

Frequently asked questions


FAQ - reklamace

Sender of the consignment

What can be claimed


ikona OK 

Domestic recorded consignments

  • Non-delivery of the consignment to the addressee;
  • Non-delivery of the confirmed return receipt slip;
  • Non-delivery of the COD amount.
ikona OK 

International recorded consignments

  • Non-delivery or late delivery of the consignment to the addressee;
  • Non-delivery of the confirmed return receipt slip;
  • Incorrectly completed return receipt slip;
  • Non-delivery of the COD amount;
  • Unjustified return of the consignment or return without indicating the reason for return;
  • Damage or part loss of the content of the consignment delivered to the addressee abroad.
ikona OK

Online Postcard

ikona OK

Ordinary (unrecorded) consignments (RIPM, Ordinary Mail)

ikona OK

Money orders


TIP: You may not wish to commence a claim. Instead, you may us the Question or Complaint options.

How to file a claim

Domestic and international recorded consignments

Online claims

Use the OnlinePost mobile application or the „Track&Trace“ application to file a claim online.

How to file a claim:

Claims filed in person at any post office

You can also visit any post office, to file a claim with our personnel. You should also use this method if you do not find the right option in the Online Claims form.

Please, remember to bring the posting certificate for the consignment in question with you. You will not be able to file a claim without the certificate.

Online Postcard

It does not happen often, but sometimes a postcard will be slightly delayed. However, if it does not appear within fourteen days after payment, please send a complaint to Please, quote the code of your order that can be found in the postcard details directly in the email.

You can find more information about Online Postcard  HERE

Unrecorded consignments

RIPM (Distribution of Information/Promotional Materials)

Claims about RIPM services must be filed within 5 working days after the end of the agreed period of delivery. The decisive date is the date of sending the claim.

The claim must contain the following details:

  • Subject-matter of claim;
  • Date when the breach of the Contract or Order was identified;
  • Place, postcode, street, house number where the breach took place.

A claim may be filed in case of Orders of RIPM services: in writing at the posting post office where the order was placed.

Ordinary consignments

U Obyčejných zásilek lze reklamovat dodání, poškození nebo úbytek obsahu v případě, že se zásilka vrátila zpět odesílateli.

Money orders


  • You can claim non-delivery of the money order amount or non-compliance with another duty within one year from the posting date. Please, visit any post office to file the claim.
  • Remember to bring the posting certificate for the money order in question with you.


  • You can claim non-delivery of the money order amount or non-compliance with another duty within six months from the posting date. Please, visit any post office to file the claim.
  • We will contact the foreign operator and jointly investigate whether and how the money order amount was delivered.
  • Remember to bring the posting certificate for the money order in question with you.

TIP: You can find detailed information in the Postal Terms and Conditions – Basic Postal Services in the Postal and Business Terms and Conditions – Other Postal Services and in the Postal and Business Terms and Conditions - International Conditions (pdf, 6MB).

Frequently asked questions

FAQ - reklamace - odesílatel

More information


If you have a Complaint, please contact any post office, or you may also contact our Call centrum, or send us an email to


If you have a Questions, please contact any post office, or you may also contact our Call centrum, or send us an email to

Postal Ombudsman

Postal Ombudsman provides services to all customers of the Czech Post, both individuals and legal entities, that went through the standard claim and complaint handling procedure and, despite having used all available ordinary and remedial measures, still feel some doubt or dissatisfaction about the results of the procedure.

Please note that cases which have not yet passed through the standard claim and complaint handling procedure of the Czech Post will not be handled by the Postal Ombudsman.

More informationHERE.

Pokud vám pošta nevyhoví nebo nevyřídí reklamaci dle vašich představ, máte možnost u ČTÚ nebo ČOI podat návrh na zahájení řízení proti vyřízení reklamace ze strany ČP.

(Dis)satisfaction survey

You can also use a survey to rate our services apart from lodging a claim or complaint. You will find it:

OnlinePost or


Useful links



You can track the progress of your parcel anytime during transportation and delivery.

Track consignment

The OnlinePost mobile application

Have your parcel under control directly from your mobile phone, anytime.

More about mobile app