
Stamp for the King of Comedians

5.4. 2011

Vlasta Burian legendary Czech entertainer and King of Comedians, is to appear on a stamp for the first time in the history of Czech and Czechoslovak philately.

The CZK 10 stamp featuring the face of the most popular actor of the interwar Czechoslovakia and further generations of viewers is available from April 6th, 2011 - almost precisely the day of the 120th anniversary of Vlasta Burian's birth.

Graphic designer: Pavel Sivko
Engraver: Jaroslav Tvrdoň

Vlasta Burian (1891 - 1962)

Vlasta Burian (1891 - 1962)

Commemorative sheet

Commemorative sheet

Commemorative sheet

A CZK 30 commemorative sheet "Vlasta Burian (1891-1962)" comes on the same day, April 6th, 2011. It will be on sale at Philatelic Counters 29 and 30, in the lobby of the Main Post Office at Jindřišská 14, Prague 1.





FDC - Vlasta Burian (1891-1962)

FDC - Vlasta Burian (1891-1962)








Vlasta Burian was born on April 9th, 1891 and died on January 31st, 1962 of lung embolism. He has been perceived by his audiences as an extraordinary film and stage actor, singer and imitator.