Conditions for handover of mail/cash out of money orders

Items delivered without certificate of delivery (ordinary mail)

Items addressed to individuals

The item will be delivered to:
  • an individual against the Notice, or
  • the addressee (without the Notice) whose ID card bears the same address as the address on the item,
  • the addressee (without the Notice) whose ID card bears an address other than the address on the item and who presents another form of evidence proving that the addressee's residential address is the same as the address on the item or who presents data about the item that could have been obtained from no source other than the sender (the sender's name/surname, posting number, information about the item from the Czech Post's website),* or
  • an individual (without the Notice) who presents his/her ID card and a form of evidence that he/she is the addressee's authorised person (recipient card or authenticated power of attorney), legal representative (if the addressee is younger than 15 or incapacitated) or an authorised person of the addressee's legal representative.

Items addressed to legal persons

The item will be delivered to:
  • an individual against the Notice, or
  • an individual (without the Notice) who presents his/her ID card and recipient card or certificate of appointment as the legal person's authorised person.  

Items delivered against certificate of delivery and not qualified as "Do vlastních rukou výhradně jen adresáta" ("Delivery to the Addressee Only")

Items addressed to individuals

The item or money will be delivered to:
  • the addressee against the Notice who presents his/her ID card, or
  • the addressee (without the Notice) whose ID card bears the same address as the address on the item, or
  • an individual (with or without the Notice) who presents his/her ID card and a form of evidence that he/she is the addressee's authorised person (recipient card or authenticated power of attorney), legal representative (if the addressee is younger than 15 or incapacitated) or an authorised person of the addressee's legal representative,
  • the addressee (without the Notice) whose ID card bears an address other than the address on the item and who presents another form of evidence proving that the addressee's residential address is the same as the address on the item or who presents data about the item that could have been obtained from no source other than the sender (the sender's name/surname, posting number, information about the item from the Czech Post's website).*

Items addressed to legal persons

The item or money will be delivered to:
  • an individual against the Notice who presents his/her ID card and the addressee's stamp, or
  • an individual (without the Notice) who presents his/her ID card and recipient card or certificate of appointment as the legal person's authorised person.
Items qualified as "Do vlastních rukou" ("Restricted Delivery")

The item or money will be delivered to:

  • an individual who presents his/her ID card and recipient card (for items addresseed to individuals) or certificate of appointment as the legal person's authorised person (for items addressed to legal persons).

The individual is not required to produce the addressee's stamp if it is stated in the recipient card or the certificate of appointment that the addressee uses no stamp.

Items delivered against certificate of delivery and qualified as "Do vlastních rukou výhradně jen adresáta" ("Delivery to the Addressee Only")

Items addressed to individuals

The item or money will be delivered to:
  • the addressee against the Notice who presents his/her ID card, or
  • the addressee (without the Notice) whose ID card bears the same address as the address on the item, or
  • the addressee (without the Notice) whose ID card bears an address other than the address on the item and who presents another form of evidence proving that the addressee's residential address is the same as the address on the item or who presents data about the item that could have been obtained from no source other than the sender (the sender's name/surname, posting number, information about the item from the Czech Post's website).*

Deposited items will be delivered only against payment of any amount due.

*If you can neither present the Notice nor prove that your residential address is the same as the address on the item addressed to you and the sender has provided you with no data, please contact the post office where the item is deposited. A Reminder Notice will be issued by the post office and delivered to the address stated on the item.