Rules for providing information pursuant to the Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information

Information can be requested orally (either in person or by telephone) or in writing (by letter or electronic means of communication).

You can request information by calling Czech Post’s Communication Department personnel at 954 30 21 20. If the requested information is not directly available, a competent employee will be contacted by the personnel and you will be informed as soon as possible. If the requested information has already been published, you will be referred to a source where the information is published.

You can also request information by letter or electronic means of communication sent to the following address:

Česká pošta, s.p.,

Odbor komunikace,

Poštovní přihrádka 99,

225 99 Prague 025.

The address for requests submitted by electronic means is The request is considered as submitted on the date of receipt by Czech Post.