
Czech Post posted a CZK 305 million profit in 2013

Czech Post’s revenues in the first year of full postal market liberalization were mainly marked with a considerable reduction in the volume of letters and money orders. Thanks to our business policy and long-term service quality standard we lost none of our significant clients in the fully open market environment. Some clients tested our competitors but most of them continued to prefer us. The only effect our competitors had was a slight decline in revenues from distribution of addressed mail and promotional materials. Our position on the parcel market further strengthened. In the past five years it grew by almost ten percent.

The 2013 figures:

  • The 2013 profit before tax exceeded the financial budget by 79 million and reached the total CZK 305 million.
  • The annual decline in revenues by CZK 532 million to the final CZK 19,526 million was mainly due to a substantial decline in the volume of letters disappearing from the market at unprecedented speed because of the massive use of electronic communications. The annual loss in revenues was CZK 662 million. The competitors cut only a minimal slice of the cake of letter services, with Czech Post still retaining a market share of more than 93%. The larger use of electronic payment means sent revenues from money orders down by more than CZK 100 million.
  • On the other hand, the growing volume of parcels, increased revenues from distribution of magazines and newspapers, from printed matter consignments and international consignments had a positive impact on the 2013 revenues.
  • The registered branch ICT Services also contributed to the annual growth in revenues despite the postponement of a number of planned ICT projects by clients.
  • The positive performance was also partially due to the planned savings, with operational and overhead cost savings contributing the most to it.

Czech Post had 32,391 employees as of 31 December 2013. Operational personnel received extraordinary bonuses of CZK 141 million beyond the projected budget thanks to last year’s profits. The bonuses were supported by postal trade unions, the founder and the supervisory board of Czech Post.