
Parcel Delivery To Post Office, or Parcel Delivery To Hand?

Starting from today our customers will be able not only to select the place but also the way of delivery of their parcels. Our new parcel portfolio is going live.  

Parcel Delivery To Post Office consignments can be picked up at any of the 2,600 Czech Post's locations across the country. Just select one of them, and your Parcel Delivery To Post Office consignment will be ready for pickup at the selected location the next day after posting. On the other hand, the Parcel Delivery To Hand scheme will suit those customers who know that they will be able to receive the parcel at a given time either at home or at work. This new scheme also fully replaced the Commercial Parcel scheme: Starting from the beginning of 2012 customers posting parcels at post office counters cannot use it any more. It will still be available to our existing contractual partners, but only until the end of September 2012. The Commercial Parcel scheme will then completely disappear. 

The new parcel types, Parcel Delivery To Post Office and Parcel Delivery To Hand, offer the customers a range of delivery options. Those who want to change the set delivery instructions can visit Czech Post's website with enough time before delivery and select the required options using a simple form. Alerts are another benefit of the new products. The addressee will receive information via an SMS or email message. The addressee will receive information about next-day delivery already when the parcel is being sent. The customer can therefore get ready to receive the parcel, use the web form to select another day for its delivery, or have it directly deposited at the delivering post office or at any other post office in the country.   

Parcel Delivery To Post Office  

Parcel Delivery To Post Office allows the addressee to select one of the 2,600 locations where the consignment will be ready for pickup already the next working day after posting. This means that addressees can select a location close to their workplace or at a shopping centre where they usually shop. Another novel feature of the product is a system of alerts sent using exclusively SMS or email messages. The sender must therefore provide the Post with the addressee's contact details (email address or mobile phone number). Electronic alerts provided with Parcel Delivery To Post Office consignments fully replace paper notices and information. The addressee receives information about arrival of the consignment to or its depositing at the selected post office already on the day of posting. The information also includes the time after which the consignment will be ready for pickup the next day. The only thing that remains to be done by the customer is to come to the post office, produce identity card, and identify the consignment by its posting number, email address or phone number to which the alert was sent. The customer must sign for the consignment. 

Benefits of Parcel Delivery To Post Office:

  • The addressee needn't worry about being at a certain time at a certain place - they will simply pick up your parcel at the receiving post office at a time that suits them,
  • Guaranteed pickup time already the next working day at the receiving post office,,
  • SMS or email alert for the addressee already on the day of posting,
  • The basic price covers compensation up to the declared value (max. CZK 50,000),
  • Nationwide parcel service for mailing parcels weighing up to 30 kg,
  • You can use any post office to post your parcel. 

Parcel Delivery To Hand 

A Parcel Delivery To Hand consignment will come anywhere the addressee wants. It will follow you anywhere you want. You will be alerted about it by an SMS or email message. It can hardly be any easier. This product basically fully replaces the existing Commercial Parcel scheme - Parcel Delivery To Hand took over all its proven functions and added some new ones. For instance, unlike Commercial Parcel consignments that could be sent from only 1,100 locations Parcel Delivery To Hand consignments can be sent from any post office.

Benefits of Parcel Delivery To Hand:

  • Guaranteed delivery to the addressee already the next working day,
  • The addressee can change the time or manner of delivery online,
  • SMS or email alert for the addressee already on the day of posting,
  • The basic price covers compensation up to the declared value (max. CZK 50,000),
  • Nationwide parcel service for mailing parcels weighing up to 30 kg,
  • The addressee can select a nearby post office where the consignment will be deposited and ready for pickup. 

The new parcel portfolio was tested in a trial run with 94 consignors, e.g., HP Tronic, Avon Cosmetics, or Pemic Books. During the trial run, the rate of successful attempts at delivery at the notified time exceeded 98%. 

You can find more information about the new parcel portfolio on the websites Parcel Delivery To Hand, Parcel Delivery To Post Office nebo na


Marta Selicharová
Czech Post