
Christmas at the Czech Post

The period of time before Christmas is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Children write to Father Christmas and adults think about gifts for their families and friends. Like in the years before, the Czech Post is coming with its offer of non-traditional gifts and greeting cards.

For the 16th year the Post Office at Boží Dar - or God's Gift in English - has been receiving Christmas cards that are intended to pass through the Father Christmas Post and be officially certified as entered on records of the most secret wishes.

Father Christmas Post attracts a huge interest, well proven by the quantities of cards and letters handstamped by the personnel at the Post Office at Boží Dar. As every year, the heavenly representative, Postmaster Marek Smitka, keeps stamping from morning till evening. It is impossible to count the numbers. There must be thousands of them, he says and shows the figure of the previous year: 490 kilograms.

Put the card or letter with a stuck stamp and written address of the recipient into an envelope and mail it to the Post Office in Boží Dar at:

Vánoční pošta

Boží Dar 150

362 62 Boží Dar

Boží dar handstamp

Boží dar handstamp

The recipient will get the card or letter dispatched directly by the heavenly post office and bearing an official certificate, this year designed by the academic painter Jiří Rychtalík. Father Christmas Post Office is open from December 1st till 23rd. Make sure you are not late!

Crete your own original stamps

Christmas print sheet

Christmas print sheet

Christmas gifts need not necessarily be expensive. Fancy postage stamps can be a non-traditional, inexpensive and valuable gift. The so-called stamps with coupons for additional prints can accompany letters on their way through the world. According to our customers who come back every year to order this atypical gift, they are more likely to end on the wall, framed as a picture, or become a family relic. Business customers, on the other hand, will distribute their stamps with additional prints to promote their businesses.

Have a look at the sample sheet. It contains an official stamp plus a coupon with additional print of a baby. You can replace the baby with a picture you would like to use as a gift, or with your business logo. The sheet also contains two fields in the right-hand margin. You can use them for your message that will be printed by us and accompany the stamps.

Stamps with additional prints are pretty attractive, especially before Christmas. Every year we print more than 14 thousands of such sheets. Make sure you are not late!

Send your binding order together with the supporting materials to the following address: You can get more information at Philately - PostFila.