
The Czech Post is changing image

Up-to-date design, state-of-the-art information technologies, clerks sitting behind essentially redesigned counters and wearing a new style of uniforms. Opened today, the new branch in the Prague shopping mall EDEN tells the way the Czech Post is going to follow in the coming years.

According to Martin Pecina, Minister of the Interior, speaking at the opening ceremony on behalf of the founder of the Czech Post, "With a number of services providing a link to the public administration system, the Czech Post is part of the critical public infrastructure. The intentional, rather than random, decision to change the image of a post-socialist enterprise is therefore welcome. The new branch has the parameters of state-of-the-art European postal branches."

Consistent branch image is the key

The Czech Post is currently operating 3,364 branches. The so far consistency of their image ended with the same offer of services, same style of uniforms worn by the clerks and same type of enamelled plate with Czech Post's logo at the front door. The division of the Czech Post among seven independent branch enterprises until January 2008 and the ensuing differences in the image of individual branches and in the overall presentation strategies of the Czech Post were among the factors to blame for the inconsistency.

Petr Sedláček, Director General of the Czech Post, characterized the new branch as follows: "We want to invest into advanced technologies. Such investments must improve the quality of services and attendance rendered to our customers. At the same time they are to improve the level of information and the environment for both the customers and our employees.

This new branch is the first outcome of this concept. If the operation in real conditions proves our assumptions correct, we will start a process of gradual transformation of all our branches. We believe that the process will be welcomed by both general public and our customers."

Present time requires state-of-the-art technologies

Built to meet the state-of-the-art trends, the EDEN branch reveals the 'Branch of the Future' concept. The unique information and check in system together with the new counter and interior design are clearly intended to help visitors feel well and get all reasonable information.

The LCD check in screens are a flexible communication tool controlled by the clerk using an touch screen IP phone. Apart from the standard photograph and name of the clerk plus the number called the screens can be used both to display information necessary for the customer and as a marketing tool. A large screen, at best visible from all parts of the branch, displays information about new postal events, products and services. Coming soon are news from the Czech TV channel ČT 24 displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Future without barriers

Following the example of foreign postal operators as well as local banks, the Czech Post is introducing open counters. Removing glass barriers makes the communication between the customer and the clerk easier, nicer and more friendly. And what is essential: Removing security glass has not increased the rate of reported security incidents at foreign operators.

Postal uniforms to expect a clear change

Consistent visual style is another feature of the new image. Redesigning uniforms is part of the style. The new design and materials were chosen by fashion designers together with members of trade unions representing Czech Post's employees, counter clerks and delivery staff.

According to Karel Koukal, president of the largest trade union, "The change is welcome. It is not to make things only a little better, but to change them essentially. Our members have a hard work. Those who wear uniform must feel well in it, be it summer or winter. We need better materials and up-to-date design. They must do a credit to the Czech Post."

The presented design may not be the final one. Customers have to wait for the results of the pilot project. Once the approved final touches to the design of the new branch and uniforms are made, the image of the Czech Post will start changing before their very eyes.

The Czech Post at a glance

Headcount: 36,827

Data 2008

Number of branches: 3,364

Yearly investments into reconstruction of counters:

Old premises: CZK 141 million
New premises: CZK 9.2 million

Total investments in 2008: CZK 663 million
Planned investments in 2009: CZK 2,005 million

Numbers of staff wearing uniforms:

  • Delivery men/women: 13,447
  • Counter clerks: 9,143
  • Postmasters & department managers: 3,675

Yearly investments into new uniforms: CZK 72 million

Mgr. Marta Selicharová

Tel: +420 221 132 122
Fax: +420 221 132 124
GSM: +420 724 058 024

Czech Post
Politických vězňů 909/4
225 99  Praha 1