
Czech Post announces 2009 year end profits of CZK 661 million before tax

The Czech Post's main task in 2009 was preparation for the company transformation process (stayed in the end of October by the founder, Ministry of the Interior) and postal market liberalisation from January 1st, 2013.

Despite doubling the volume of its investments, the Czech Post did not reach the planned goal of CZK two billion. The investments went mainly into technology and reconstruction of post offices. The delayed launch of the Information Data Mailbox System had also an effect on the lower volume.

According to Marcela Hrdá, Director General of the Czech Post, "it is certainly good that the Post has become the operator of the electronic communication system between the state administration and citizens. But the positive trend in communication has begun to have a negative impact on the economy of the company. If we are not able in the forthcoming time to outbalance the impact, we would face a loss. We have therefore started intensive work on projects that could prevent potential losses."

The initial plan counted with only a very small profit. Extraordinary items sent the 2009 year end profits to the unexpected CZK 661 million before tax.

Czech Post 2009 basic information

  2008 2009
Profit before tax (CZK million) 365 661
Investments (CZK billion) 0,66 1,25
Full time equivalent of employees (FTE) 36 332 34 948
Average salary 20 565 21 597
Number of post offices 3 392 3 372
Transmitted letter mail volume (million of items) 686,5 658,5
Number of Czech POINT transactions 173 975 632 280
Number of data messages sent - 2 623 91
Number of activated data mailboxes - 366 996