
Czech Post’s services must be available to all citizens

The government should precisely define the role of Czech Post. This was the conclusion of a meeting between members of the Executive Board of the Union of Towns and Municipalities, Josef Bezdíček, Antonín Lízner and Pavel Drahovzal, and Czech Post’s Director General Petr Zatloukal. At the recent meeting, they appreciated the fact that the network of postal branches should not diminish with the coming of the new government, and emphasized that the government should really behave to Czech Post as to a state-owned company, i.e. an organisation which provides services to the general public. The services must be available also to smaller communities and their range must include more than merely sending or delivering mail.

“Today Czech Post does not only hold the postal license but also provides a natural place where members of large as well as small communities can get further services,” said Vice-President of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic Josef Bezdíček, adding: “The government should invest into people being able to perceive it as such. It should create such conditions for both Czech Post and its clients which would lead to the provision of services easily accessible in areas where they are necessary and satisfying their requirements for fast and quality services.”

“At a meeting, Minister of the Interior Milan Chovanec asked me to generate a concept of the design of network of postal branches in the Czech Republic. It will be first discussed with our founder and then by all involved parties. It is necessary to focus on how to maintain the availability of postal services in small communities,” said Czech Post’s Director General Petr Zatloukal.

Members of Czech Post’s Management Board are therefore planning an early meeting with Deputy Minister of the Interior for Internal Security Jan Sixta who has been newly charged with overseeing postal services. Czech Post intends to keep the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic informed about the outcome of the meeting and further steps.

The availability criteria for Czech Post’s branches are defined by section 14 of Czech Telecommunication Office Regulation No. 464/2012 Coll., on specification of basic services and basic quality requirements for their provision.

For further information, please contact:

Mgr. Štěpánka Filipová, Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, email:

Mgr. Marta Selicharová, Czech Post, email:


About the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic:

The Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic is a nationwide, voluntary, apolitical, and non-governmental organisation founded as an interest group of legal entities. Members of the Union are towns and municipalities. The Union is a partner to governmental and parliamentary political representatives. It participates in the preparation and creation of draft legislative and non-legislative measures in areas pertaining to the competencies of municipalities. Its activities are primarily based on the active involvement of mayors and councillors who deal with general issues of self-government beyond the scope of their duties. The Union presently includes about 2,500 municipalities. You can find more information on