
Postal Data Message - a new way of communication between the Data Mailbox Information System users

Postal Data Message is a new Czech Post's service available from July 1st, 2010 to data mailbox users who can now send messages with no content restrictions (until now, only invoices and similar notices to pay were allowed).

Starting from July 1st, 2010, individuals, entrepreneurs and legal entities can use Postal Data Message for exchanging data between their mailboxes run under the Data Mailbox Information System with no content restriction, according to the Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on electronic transactions and authorised conversion of documents. The service is best used in situations when the users need to have a legal proof of delivery of their documents. The legal effects of delivery of a Postal Data Message are comparable to those of delivery of a registered item. A fee is charged for sending of a Postal Data Message.

Benefits of Postal Data Message

Postal Data Message guarantees to those who activate this service that they will get a proof of the addressee's identity and that their message will be safely delivered. Time savings are another benefit. Postal Data Message brings more benefits than Registered Letter already with five messages sent in a month.
Postal Data Message can be used instead of a visit in person (signing an agreement, announcing a change, doing some other acts where electronic signature can be used), delivering documents (such as sale orders, contracts, invoices, reminders, confidential personal data) by registered mail, or electronic communication without guaranteed delivery.


The price of Postal Data Message is payable on a monthly basis. An invoice will be sent to you by the operator, either directly in electronic format to your mailbox or by letter to the address given in the registration form. Should there be no message sent in the course of a month, you will receive no invoice as no monthly service fee will be charged for the month.


Postal Data Messages sent (price per message) 15,04 CZK
Monthly service fee
Number of messages sent per month Price per month
1-10 50 CZK
11-50 35 CZK
Up to 50 20 CZK


How can I activate Postal Data Message?

For fully electronic activation of the service visit the Client Zone at our website

You can activate Postal Data Message as follows:

  1. Log on into the Client Zone. If you have not registered yet, you will have to create an access account first.
  2. Once you are in the Client Zone, select Postal Data Message from the list of electronic services. Enter the user mailbox identification number. A window with the service registration form will open.
  3. Complete the required data in the registration form and click on Enter. A message containing the PIN code will be sent into the given mailbox. The PIN is necessary to complete the activation process.
  4. Enter the delivered PIN into the corresponding field in the following activation form. Select the way of payment. The PIN will be checked and if correct, the service will be activated for the given mailbox.


Receipt of Postal Data Messages

Postal Data Messages can be received free of charge. However this option must first be activated in the user's setting of the given mailbox. Almost eight thousand mailbox users had this service activated by the end of June 2010. The total number of mailboxes activated as of June 28th, 2010 was 387,635, of which:

  • 15,817 mailboxes belonged to individuals,
  • 8,826 mailboxes belonged to entrepreneurs,
  • 7,671 mailboxes belonged to public authorities, and
  • 355,321 mailboxes belonged to legal entities.

The total number of data messages exchanged through the Data Mailbox Information System as of the same date was 15,238,640. 96.3% of them were successfully delivered on the addressee's logging in.
Another new service, available to the Data Mailbox Information System users from July 1st, 2010, is verification of data messages stored in the system. This service allows all users to check, even after the lapse of several years, whether a data message stored by them on their hard disk or forwarded to them by another user is authentic or false. The only thing they have to do is to simply log in to